For men and women between the ages of 45 and 85+...

Is Knee Pain Or Knee Weakness Stopping You From Doing The Things You Love… Or The Basic Daily Tasks And Movements You NEED To Do?

In this article, I’m going to show you 2 things about knee pain and weakness that many people (and health professionals!) don’t know.

I’m also going to show you a super-EASY, super-FAST way to strengthen your knees, that’s specifically designed for men and women between the ages of 45 and 85+. . .  so you can get back to doing the things you loveand the things you need to do on a daily basis...

Do any of these apply to you?

  • I have knee pain or weakness
  • I have knee osteoarthritis
  • I’ve had a “knee buckling” incident where my knees unexpectedly gave out on me
  • I’ve fallen because of pain or weakness in my knees
  • I can’t sleep through the night because of knee pain
  • I can’t walk, hike or run for long periods of time because of knee pain or weakness
  • I have trouble moving from a sitting position to a standing position because of knee pain or weakness

...If ANY of those apply to you,
there are 2 important things
you need to know...

(A lot of people - and health professionals - don’t know these 2 things.)

They are:

  1. Knee pain can lead to more severe health problems. Recent medical research has shown that knee pain and weakness can easily lead to more serious health issues, and even a downward health spiral.
  2. It’s not about the knee. Most of the time, knee pain and weakness have nothing to do with your knee, and are caused by something else entirely. Most people and health professionals don’t know this, and this is why most knee rehabilitation programs don’t really work.

It’s important to understand these two things, before you attempt to fix your knees…

...because when you understand these things, you’ll see there’s a much better approach to dealing with your knees.

So, let’s quickly look at these two important issues, and then I’ll show you the super-EASY, super-FAST way you can start strengthening your knees.


Recent research shows that knee pain and weakness can lead to more serious health issues, including: decreased physical activity, loss of mobility, dependence on others, social isolationand even depression!

If you have knee pain or weakness, PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY and please don’t ignore it.

Here’s why:

Several recent studies have shown that knee pain and weakness can lead to more severe health issues and conditions - both physical and psychological, and even a downward health spiral.

These studies found that knee pain, weakness and instability are common in older adults and...

  • Can lead to knee buckling and falling
  • Which leads to less confidence about balance, and fear of falling again
  • Which leads to less physical activity (because you’re afraid of falling)
  • Which leads to even weaker knees, weight gain, and worse overall health
  • Which leads to loss of mobility and overall function
  • Which leads to dependence on others for regular daily tasks and movements
  • Which leads to social isolation (because you don’t want to be a burden to other people)
  • Which can lead to depression

This is the conclusion of a 2014 study entitled The impact of knee instability with and without buckling on balance confidence, fear of falling and physical function: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study:

Knee buckling and especially sensations of knee instability without buckling were common and each was significantly associated with fear of falling, poor balance confidence, activity limitations, and poor physical function.

This is a quote from John A. Flynn, M.D., M.Ed., medical director of the Spondyloarthritis Center at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore:

Avoiding physical activity can result in further decline in muscle strength and general overall physical condition, putting you at even greater risk of falling. This deconditioning will eventually lead to loss of mobility and function and will likely have a psychological impact in the form of depression, anxiety, dependency, and social isolation.

That’s the bad news…


There are ways to stay physically active, and there are certain types of exercises you can do…

...that are VERY GENTLE, VERY EASY, and require ONLY A FEW MINUTES A DAY (or even every other day)…

...and these exercises can help prevent (and reverse) that entire negative downward health spiral.

AND these exercises can also create a positive upward health spiral for you!

BUT... here’s the key:

You have to do the right kinds of exercises.

You have to do the exercises that have been studied and researched and have been proven to be highly effective for strengthening your knees.

Which leads us to...


Most doctors, physical therapists and fitness “gurus” are DEAD WRONG about how to fix knee pain and weakness…

Most of the time, when you feel pain in some area of your body…’s being caused by weakness or injury IN A DIFFERENT AREA OF YOUR BODY.

This is because the human body is highly interconnected. Most movements we make are only possible because multiple muscles, joints, ligaments and other tissues are working simultaneously, sharing the load and supporting each other.

What does this mean for you?

It means that if you have knee pain or weakness, it’s almost certainly due to weakness, injury or poor activation and endurance in the muscles and joints that surround and support your knees.

Many doctors, physical therapists, and fitness gurus don’t understand this, or aren’t aware of it, so they prescribe exercises and movements that target your knees... and this is why most knee rehabilitation programs don’t work.

The research says that most knee pain and weakness issues stem from weakness and/or injury in the muscles, joints and ligaments that surround and support your knees.

And the research says that doing gentle exercises - even for just a few minutes a day, that target these surrounding and supporting muscles, joints and ligaments, can strengthen your knees, improve your balance and your confidence, and help get you back to doing the things you love in life!

These all sound good on paper,
but there’s another problem...

Let’s say you’ve decided to stay physically active because you know that limiting your activity could lead you into the negative downward health spiral we discussed above.

And let’s say you now understand that you must do the right kinds of exercises in order to strengthen your knees properly - those that target the muscles, joints and ligaments that surround and support your knees.

The problem is…

How do you find these particular exercises?

How do you find the research that reviewed and studied the effectiveness of these exercises?

How do you know what order to do the exercises in?

How do you know how many sets and repetitions to do?

How do you know if you’re really doing the exercises correctly?

How do you know what intensity you should use when you’re doing them?

My name is Rick Kaselj. I’ve been a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist for 25+ years…

...and I’ve had LOTS of clients who had knee pain and weakness just like you, so…

...I went through ALL the research, and I created a special exercise program just for this.

Can a simple, 8-MINUTE exercise routine
really accomplish all these?

In one minute, I’m going to show you the simple, 8-minute exercise routine I created, that can:

  • Prevent (and reverse) the negative downward health spiral we discussed above
  • Strengthen your knees
  • Replace your fears of falling and physical activity with confidence
  • Help you get back to doing the things you love in life
  • Help you get back to doing the day-to-day things you need to do - yourself... so you don’t have to depend on other people

But first, there’s one more (big) problem we need to discuss, and that is:

Most people who buy exercise programs like this, don’t actually do them on a consistent basis.

As you can probably guess, if you don’t do the exercises on a consistent basis, you’ll get no benefits or positive changes in your life.

SO… before I show you this 8-minute knee-strengthening exercise routine, I want to PROVE TO YOU that this routine is something that you will ACTUALLY STICK TO, and ACTUALLY DO ON A CONSISTENT BASIS

...because that’s the only way it will have any value for you.

Here’s why you’ll actually
do this exercise program, consistently

Are you busy?

Do you have a full work and life schedule already?

Do you have ZERO desire to do REALLY long workouts?

No problem - this exercise routine only takes 8 minutes to complete.

Isn’t it a pain-in-the-butt to exercise when you have to:

  1. Change into special exercise clothes
  2. Drive all the way to the gym
  3. Fight the crowds for use of the machines and weights you need to use
  4. Take a shower
  5. Change back into your regular clothes
  6. ...And then drive back to work or home?

GREAT NEWS!... You don’t have to do *ANY* of that!

With this 8-minute exercise program:

  • You don’t need a gym
  • You don’t need to drive anywhere
  • You don’t need to change into special exercise clothes
  • You don’t need any equipment
  • You don’t need to shower after you do the routine, because you won’t even break a sweat!

You can do this exercise routine with just your body and a floor!

Here’s why you don’t need to be scared
of doing this exercise program…

Are you worried you’re too old to do an exercise routine like this?
Are you worried you might get injured?
Are you worried about your balance?
Are you worried you’re too out-of-shape?
Are you worried you can’t do this because you’ve never really exercised consistently (or at all)?

Please don’t worry about any of this

...I’ve taken all of it into consideration in designing the 8-minute knee-strengthening exercise routine I’m about to show you.

  • This routine was designed specifically for men and women between the ages of 45 and 85+, knowing fully well that people in this age group have different exercise and health needs and capabilities.
  • The movements and exercises in this routine are extremely gentle, safe and easy on your joints.
  • In this program, we show you three different ways to perform each of the 10 exercises. Each version of the exercise is a different level of difficulty - easy, medium and advanced. This allows you to self-adjust the program for gradual progression, so you are comfortable at all times. If the exercises become too easy for you, we also show you how to increase the challenge beyond the three versions of each exercise.
  • If you’re concerned about your balance, the three different ways we show you to do each exercise will include at least one that requires no real balancing, so you’ll be comfortable and confident at all times doing this routine!

Here’s why you can feel confident that
this exercise program will work for you...

...because it was designed using real scientific and medical research.

I’ve been a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist for 25+ years. One of the lessons I’ve learned over and over is that pain, injury and rehabilitation programs that are based on conclusions from real scientific studies and medical papers produce better results for most people.

The 8-minute exercise program I’m going to show you on this page was designed using the conclusions from 10 different scientific research papers and studies, all of which are listed here for your reference:

  1. Cho S-I, An D-H. Effects of a Fall Prevention Exercise Program on Muscle Strength and Balance of the Old-old Elderly. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2014;26(11):1771-1774. doi:10.1589/jpts.26.1771.
  2. Golightly YM, Allen KD, Caine DJ. A Comprehensive Review of the Effectiveness of Different Exercise Programs for Patients with Osteoarthritis. The Physician and sportsmedicine. 2012;40(4):52-65. doi:10.3810/psm.2012.11.1988.
  3. Jadelis, K., Miller, M., Ettinger, W. and Messier, S. (2001). Strength, Balance, and the Modifying Effects of Obesity and Knee Pain: Results from the Observational Arthritis Study in Seniors (OASIS). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 49(7), pp.884-891.
  4. Kim S, Lockhart T. Effects of 8 Weeks of Balance or Weight Training for the Independently Living Elderly on the Outcomes of Induced Slips. International journal of rehabilitation research Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation. 2010;33(1):49-55. doi:10.1097/MRR.0b013e32832e6b5e.
  5. Latham N, Liu C. Strength training in older adults: The benefits for osteoarthritis. Clinics in geriatric medicine. 2010;26(3):445-459. doi:10.1016/j.cger.2010.03.006.
  6. Marques EA, Figueiredo P, Harris TB, Wanderley FA, Carvalho J. Are resistance and aerobic exercise training equally effective at improving knee muscle strength and balance in older women?. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2017;68:106-112.
  7. Marsh AP, Miller ME, Rejeski WJ, Hutton SL, Kritchevsky SB. Lower Extremity Muscle Function After Strength or Power Training in Older Adults. Journal of aging and physical activity. 2009;17(4):416-443.
  8. McQuade KJ, de Oliveira AS. Effects of Progressive Resistance Strength Training on Knee Biomechanics During Single Leg Step-up in Persons with Mild Knee Osteoarthritis. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). 2011;26(7):741-748. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.03.006.
  9. SALEM, G., WANG, M., YOUNG, J., MARION, M. and GREENDALE, G. (2000). Knee strength and lower- and higher-intensity functional performance in older adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 32(10), pp.1679-1684.
  10. Vincent KR, Vincent HK. Resistance Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2012;4(5 0):S45-S52. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2012.01.019.

An important question to consider is:

“Have you ever seen, or even heard of any other knee-strengthening exercise programs that are based on that much scientific research?”

When you do this exercise program,
you can also lose weight, increase
your energy, and lots more...

When you do the 8-minute exercise routine I’m about to show you on a consistent basis, you can also experience these additional benefits:


In spite of it being very gentle, this exercise routine still helps to build new lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate, which means you will burn more calories automatically, throughout the day.


Contrary to what many people believe, exercising does not make you tired. Exercising actually creates energy in the body because your body needs this energy to handle the additional demands the exercise is placing on your body. With more consistent exercise, you’ll be creating more energy in your body and you’ll begin to feel an overall increase in your energy levels!


Many of the exercises in this routine are whole-body movements. Because these movements involve multiple muscle groups and multiple joints, it trains the different muscles and joints to coordinate and work better together. When your muscles and joints don’t have the benefit of this type of training, and are therefore less coordinated, this can cause injury, so this is an important protective measure.


The movements and stretches we use in this exercise routine help strengthen your joints and increase your overall flexibility, both of which protect you against joint degeneration. Joint degeneration is the cause of many types of chronic pain, like knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, and more.

So, what exactly is this 8-minute
exercise routine? And how can
YOU start using it too?

After seeing that many of my clients and students had knee pain, weakness and instability, I set out to create an exercise program that could help strengthen their knees, protect them against the dangerous downward health spiral recent research has discovered, and help them get back to doing the things they love in life.

And as I explained above, I created this 8-minute exercise routine to be very easy to learn and do, on a consistent basis, so people would ACTUALLY DO IT. But, I also used all of the latest and relevant research to make sure the program would be EFFECTIVE too.

I call this new program: 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees.

10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees is a video exercise program you can do at home, completely on your own. It’s a simple program of 10 easy and gentle movements that use your bodyweight only (NO GYM REQUIRED), and the whole program can be done in just 8 minutes a day.

The videos in this program show you how to do every exercise perfectly, in exactly the right sequence, with exactly the right number of repetitions and sets, all laid out for you, in explicit detail.

Here’s what’s DIFFERENT and
GREAT about my 10 Easy Movements
For Stronger Knees program:

  • You can still be a regular person – you don’t need to be a health and fitness nut to get great results with this program.
  • You can do this whole exercise routine in just 8 minutes every day.
  • This program only asks you to make small changes to your life, and make them gradually.
  • You don’t have to do crazy intense, time-consuming workouts. The workouts in this program are low-impact and easy for just about anyone to do, but still very effective!
  • You can do this exercise program pretty much anywhere, anytime - you never need a gym or any equipment.
  • You’ll learn not only how to do the exercises correctly, but also the common mistakes people make doing them. This is crucial because doing the exercises just right makes A HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether this will work for you or not.
  • This is not just a bunch of exercises thrown together with the HOPE that they will strengthen your knees. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM based on medical research and scientific studies.
  • This program has only the exercises you need… and none that you don’t.
  • I didn’t just make up this program. It is the result of YEARS OF SCHOLARLY MEDICAL RESEARCH and feedback from REAL-WORLD TESTS.
  • I will show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
  • All of your questions will be answered. If you ever get stuck or need clarification, you can always email my team at
  • You will know EXACTLY how many repetitions to do. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each exercise with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each exercise correctly. Nothing will be left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out perfectly and clearly for you.
  • And much more…

What exactly do you get
in the 10 Easy Movements
For Stronger Knees program?

I made this program short and sweet…

...because I want you to get the same great results my clients and students have been getting, as quickly as possible.

There’s only one sequence of 10 gentle, easy exercises that I want you to learn and do, just once per day.

Once you learn it, which is quick and easy to do, the sequence shouldn’t take you more than 8 minutes a day to complete.

In this program, you’re going to get only what you need to incorporate this easy, but powerful routine into your life, so you can get the multitude of benefits as quickly as possible.

Here’s what’s you get in this program:

Instructional Video - Your Personal Training Session With Rick Kaselj, MS

This video is your virtual personal training session with me, Rick Kaselj, MS. In this video, I will:

  • SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each of the 10 movements perfectly, so you can definitely get them right
  • Show you the common mistakes people make doing these movements, so you also know what NOT to do
  • Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the movements so you know you’re doing them right, and more.

Follow Along Video - Your Coaching Session With Rick Kaselj, MS

This video is your personal coaching session with me. In it, you will do each of the 10 movements following along with my exercise assistant, who does them on video with you, while I count out time and reps, and coach you along the way.

Comprehensive Manual (PDF)

This handy PDF guide includes:

  • All of the gentle, but highly-effective movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
  • Start-position and end-position photos for every movement
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each repetition should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each movement so you can be sure you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if they become too easy.


If you order THIS WEEK, you’ll also get a FREE COPY of the Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe EBook (a $37 Value!)

Delicious meals that are easy to make, that fight inflammation, reduce pain, help you lose weight, and make you healthier overall...

It sounds too good to be true… but it’s not!

You’ve probably heard all about inflammation and how it’s been linked to all the worst diseases, and how it makes us gain weight, and creates pain in our bodies.

Well the fastest, easiest way to reduce inflammation, reduce your risk for disease, lose weight and reduce pain is…

Stop eating as many inflammation-inducing foods and start eating more anti-inflammatory foods.

Here’s the great part:

I know it might sound like a pain to make this change… but it can actually be easy to cook these anti-inflammatory foods, and you can make them so they are absolutely delicious!

To prove that... my team and I have created this fantastic cookbook called Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes.

If you order my 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program this week, you’ll get a free copy of Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. (This special cookbook normally retails for $37!)

This is the formula we used when we created this cookbook:
HEALTHY + EASY + DELICIOUS = Healthy, Happy People!

  • HEALTHY: Our team of nutritionists and recipe writers examined numerous medical studies in the creation of these recipes to make sure they’re all anti-inflammatory!
  • EASY: These recipes are easy-to-follow and easy-to-make for regular people - you don’t need to be a chef or even good at cooking!
  • DELICIOUS: The best part is how delicious these recipes are. Once you sample these tasty dishes, you will never again subscribe to this healthy eating myth: “Healthy food just tastes bad!”

Cooking For Pain-Free Living contains professionally-crafted meals designed to:

  • Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
  • Prevent chronic diseases from forming due to inflammation
  • Improve your body’s natural healing processes
  • Counteract or even reverse the aging process
  • Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
  • Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
  • Give you the best sleep of your life

The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe EBook includes:

  • 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes
    • 6 Breakfast Recipes
    • 40 Entree Recipes
    • 9 Side & A La Carte Recipes
    • 6 Soup & Bread Recipes
    • 19 Dessert Recipes
    • 21 Drink & Smoothie Recipes
  • Important Insights on Nightshade Vegetables
    • Nightshade allergy & intolerance symptoms
    • Details on Solanine Toxicity Syndrome
    • Food replacement suggestions

Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get:

I think you can see that these are not your typical, boring, everything-has-kale-in-it-and-tastes-like-cardboard “diet” recipes!

This special anti-inflammatory cookbook normally sells for $37!

But you get it FREE, if you order 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees THIS WEEK.

  • Coconut Buttermilk Grilled Chicken
  • Baked Cajun Chicken Breasts
  • Grilled Greek Chicken
  • Jalapeno Cilantro Chicken
  • Lamb Steak with Avocado Pesto
  • Pork Steaks with Sun Dried Tomato Aioli
  • Guinness Beef Steak with Sweet Potato Fries
  • Chipotle Grilled Salmon with Avocado Sauce
  • Soy Citrus Marinated Tuna with Lemon Butter Sauce
  • Heart-Shaped Crispy Gluten-Free Pizza
  • Gluten-Free Irish Soup Bread
  • Mung Bean and Lentil Burgers
  • Oat Pancakes with Caramelized Apples
  • Coconut Flour Donuts
  • Guinness Almond Cupcakes
  • Double Layered Mousse with Blueberries
  • Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting
  • Chocolate Coconut Butter Cookies
  • Raspberry Rose Chocolate Brownies
  • Guilt-Free Chunky Monkey


If you order THIS WEEK, you’ll also get this amazing FREE MEMBERSHIP:

If you order 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees this week, you’ll also get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to EFI’s exclusive Lifelong Wellness Academy Program.

Why is this bonus only being offered this week?

The Lifelong Wellness Academy Program includes a lot of personal interaction, coaching and direct access to me and my team, and because of this, I limit the number of new people we let in to make sure every one of our members gets the attention they deserve, so they can get the results they want.

What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy Program?

JUST ONE of the amazing features of the Lifelong Wellness Academy Program is that you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. What are the other features? Too many to list here! You’ll have access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more! You get all of these for free, for 14 days!

After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy Program, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by sending us an email at You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.

For more information about Lifelong Wellness Academy, visit our FAQ page at


Free Lifetime Membership In
Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group

As a 10 Easy Movements for Stronger Knees customer, you get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group.

In this group, you can get all of your questions answered by EFI’s team of health and fitness experts. You’ll also get support, accountability and inspiration that isn’t always available in your own life. Support, accountability and inspiration are critical to ensuring that you follow through on the10 Easy Movements for Stronger Knees program, so you can reduce and eliminate your knee pain and get back to the life you had before this.

For many of my customers, this coaching group is the missing piece that finally helps them overcome their injuries and achieve their health and fitness goals.


Free Lifetime Updates

We are always adding new material to this program in order to help you get better results.

You will get FREE access to all updates for life!

I want to TRY the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, for 60 days, with no risk... and I want the 4 special bonuses!

(The special discounted price you see below and the
4 special bonuses… are only available THIS WEEK!)

When you order today, you get instant access to the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program and the 4 bonuses, including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe EBook, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your trial period by sending us an email at You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.


  1. Regardless of which version you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, immediately after you place your order.
  2. These special discounted prices and the 4 bonuses, ARE ONLY AVAILABLE THIS WEEK. I want to remove as many financial barriers and give you as many incentives as I can, because I know that if you just try this program, the chances are very good you’ll get excellent results. But, because these prices are so heavily discounted, I can’t offer them after this week.
  3. This program comes with a 60-DAY 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Get this program now and just try it out. You have a full 60 days to go through everything, do the program in its entirety, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

Who created the 10 Easy Movements
For Stronger Knees program?

Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering comes from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.

Here are a few relevant facts about me:

  • I’ve been a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist since 1994 (25+ years).
  • I spent 6 years at university studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise, and got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
  • I have 25+ years of hands-on experience, working directly with clients and teaching my techniques and programs to fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers.
  • I have conducted thousands of personal training sessions.
  • I have reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
  • I’m also an author and speaker, and I’ve given over 260 presentations to more than 5,000 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.
  • These are some of the major publications my work has been featured in:


I’m all about finding what works… and unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there, even from trained professionals and reputable sources… do not work!

Some of the most effective methods I’ve discovered for eliminating pain and healing injuries are counterintuitive - they required diligent research, testing, and creativity to discover.

People get the best results when they follow a program that’s been properly designed. The best programs include only the exercises that are necessary, instructions on how to perform them properly, the proper order in which to perform them, and instructions on what the right amount of rest is, and when to take it. Not doing all the steps, or performing them in the wrong order, or taking too little rest, or too much, can throw you off course, and sometimes even make things worse.

I’ve learned that understanding the CAUSE of injuries and painful conditions can help heal and prevent them. For example, most people don’t realize that they’re doing certain things every day that put stress and tension on certain muscles, tendons, tissues and joints, and over time, these create chronic pain and injury. Simply becoming aware, and then making tiny adjustments, can actually result in a much higher quality of life for many people.

How 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees
gives YOU all the control...

I specifically chose to make this a downloadable video program so you would get these benefits:

  • You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you like.
  • The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and they will be available to you forever.
  • You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
  • You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
  • You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone can help strengthen your knees, protect you from the downward health spiral discussed above, and help get you back to doing the things you love in life.

Here’s everything you get for $29 $10:


Your Personal Training Session With Rick Kaselj, MS

($47 value)


Your Personal Coaching Session With Rick Kaselj, MS

($47 value)


All 10 movements explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions

($27 value)


Bonus Pain-Free Recipe EBook

($37 value)


14-Day Free Trial, then $47.31/Month

($24 value)


Get your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group.

($57 value)


Anytime the 10 Easy Movements for Stronger Knees is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version.

($10 value)







This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive my whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!

If you’re NOT getting the results you want, please contact us within 60 days from the date of your purchase, by sending us an email at, or call us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will issue you a full refund.

Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees?

  • To show you how confident I am in this program. This program is based on real scientific studies and research. It includes exercises, movements, and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else.
  • I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and use it with peace of mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can strengthen your knees, prevent the downward health spiral mentioned above, and get back to doing the things you love in life. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether this is going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting the results you want.

TRY my 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, for 60 days, with no risk... and if you order this week, you’ll also get the 4 special bonuses!

When you order today, you get instant access to the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program and the 4 bonuses, including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe EBook, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your trial period by sending us an email at You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.


  1. Regardless of which version you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, immediately after you place your order.
  2. These special discounted prices and the 4 bonuses, ARE ONLY AVAILABLE THIS WEEK. I want to remove as many financial barriers and give you as many incentives as I can, because I know that if you just try this program, the chances are very good you’ll get excellent results. But, because these prices are so heavily discounted, I can’t offer them after this week.
  3. This program comes with a 60-DAY 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Get this program now and just try it out. You have a full 60 days to go through everything, do the program in its entirety, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

Frequently Asked Questions:

FACT: Most people who buy exercise programs like this never actually do them on a consistent basis!

Here’s why this program is going to be different,
and why you’ll actually do it on a consistent basis...

Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?

Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:

“I don’t have enough time to go to the gym.” “I don’t want to join a gym.” “I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”

No problem. You don’t have to join a gym, or buy any equipment to do the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program. All you need is your body and a floor!

“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”

No problem. I designed this program so you could complete it in 8 minutes every day. This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!

“I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”

Perfect. This program is low-impact, so it’s safe for virtually everyone, even people who are out-of-shape... even people who have never exercised a day in their life.

“I don’t want to do crazy, intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”

Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why this program is designed not to exhaust you, but give you a good workout that gets results, without making you want to take a nap one hour later.

Will you still have knee pain
and weakness 30 days from now?
Or will it get worse?

If you do nothing different, in 30 days you’ll probably still have your knee pain and weakness. You’ll probably still be unable to do the things you love, like walking, running, hiking, sports, hobbies, playing with your kids or grandkids. And you’ll probably still have trouble doing the everyday things you need to do, like walking up and down stairs, getting up out of your car, bending down to pick things up.

Or, things could get worse…

You might have a knee buckling incident, where your knees unexpectedly give out on you… and you might fall.

If that happens, you might lose confidence in your ability to balance yourself, and you may develop a fear of falling again.

This could lead to you limiting your physical activities because you don’t want to fall, and this could lead to even weaker knees, and a greater risk of falling.

I don’t mean to scare you with these possibilities, but several recent studies have found this to be a common scenario that happens to older adults with knee pain and weakness… it’s important to be aware of it.


...instead of waiting to see what happens, you could just TRY my 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program and see what kind of results you get.

And if you don’t like the results, just contact us within 60 days, and we’ll give you all your money back.

If you try my program, I’m 98% sure that within 30 days (or sooner!) you’ll start seeing some new and positive results.

Why 98%?

Because nothing works for everyone.

That’s just life.

BUT... ask yourself this question:

Is it worth $10 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...

...and just 8 minutes a day… see if this program could actually help you strengthen your knees, prevent that terrible downward health spiral, and help you get back to doing the things you love in life?

Like I said, nothing works for EVERYONE…

But, what if this DOES work for YOU?

Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...

...especially since you have no risk?

TRY my 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, for 60 days, with no risk... and if you order this week, you’ll also get the 4 special bonuses!

When you order today, you get instant access to the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program and the 4 bonuses, including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe EBook, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your trial period by sending us an email at You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.


  1. Regardless of which version you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program, immediately after you place your order.
  2. These special discounted prices and the 4 bonuses, ARE ONLY AVAILABLE THIS WEEK. I want to remove as many financial barriers and give you as many incentives as I can, because I know that if you just try this program, the chances are very good you’ll get excellent results. But, because these prices are so heavily discounted, I can’t offer them after this week.
  3. This program comes with a 60-DAY 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Get this program now and just try it out. You have a full 60 days to go through everything, do the program in its entirety, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know and we’ll gladly refund all your money.