“They wanted MORE!”
You just ordered 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day.
That was a very smart move — you’re going to love that program!
But check this out...
Here’s what’s been happening...
Lots of people who have ordered 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day have now gone through it, and they’ve gotten such AMAZING results, that they came back to me and said they wanted MORE!
Here are some of the results people have gotten from using 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day (the program you just ordered):
These movements really helped my back.
I thought it was unlikely that the spasms and pain I have felt in my back for several weeks could be helped by Yoga poses, but I like yoga and thought it was worth a try. After three days, my back was much better, and my muscles relaxed. I could walk upright again. A pandemic spent in the house is the perfect time for doing these yoga movements.
It really works!
I was surprised how good I felt after I did the gentle chair yoga poses. They also helped me sleep better.
I suffer from fibro and yet these exercises do not make me feel worse. Thank You!!...I usually find the 10 minutes to do them as well. Lol I worry that my form may not be right, but I do find relief after doing them. Thank You very much. Well worth the price.
Nice and Easy Exercises
These light exercises can be done at any time after sitting for a long time. They can be repeated several times during the day. The instructor is clear and patient.
I'm pretty sure that practically all Americans and most citizens of all developed countries would benefit from these moves!!
chair yoga
Chair Yoga helps with stiffness from sitting for long periods of time.
Those folks (and many others) got such great results from the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program (the program you just ordered), that they came back to me and asked me for more similar exercises that could help them FEEL EVEN BETTER.
I created two new video routines.
And you can get them for a special, DEEPLY-DISCOUNTED PRICE right now...
But this is a ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER that you must take advantage of BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE.
10 Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body
This workout is awesome. Why? Because it’s easy, gentle, fast, and super-effective at TONING your body, regardless of your current shape or state of fitness.
These 10 yoga poses are powerful... and they’re actually FUN TOO!
The nice thing is... this ONE workout works on your WHOLE body, head to toe... toning, strengthening, and beautifying every inch!
You get to go through all the poses and stretches with our qualified Yoga Instructor in real-time. Just follow along as you watch the video.
The whole routine is only 15 minutes, and you are going to feel WONDERFUL afterward. This routine will make you feel refreshed. It can help you shake off stress, get re-energized, and feel physically, mentally and emotionally renewed.
You MUST try this one!
Restorative Yoga for People Who Sit All Day
The routine in this video is designed to correct some of the imbalances that occur when we sit all day. It will help you open up your chest, open your hips, and do a gentle inversion, which all help to restore your body to its natural, healthy, vigorous state.
Restorative yoga is different from other types of yoga. In restorative yoga, we don’t do any deep stretching or poses... instead, we aim to support the body. It’s more about opening parts of your body that are “closed,” or tight, or tense, and it’s also about calming your nervous system. Restorative yoga is a great way to relieve stress during the day, to recenter yourself, refocus yourself, or just unwind and relax your body and mind after a long day.
And the nice thing is, this particular restorative yoga routine is designed specifically to help people who sit all day — it specifically targets the areas of the body that are affected by too much sitting.
This routine is only three simple, easy, gentle poses, but don’t be fooled — these three poses are deceptively effective. This short routine can have a tremendous impact on your physical, emotional, and mental state.
People love the way they feel after doing this routine!
These 2 programs normally cost $74,
but you can get both of them
right now for just $9.95!
If you add 10 Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body and Restorative Yoga for People Who Sit All Day to your order right now, before you leave this page, you will get both of them for just $9.95.
I don’t currently sell these programs anywhere else, so right now, this will be your only chance to get them.
I am, however, planning to start selling them as standalone programs, and when I do that, they will sell for $37 each, or maybe even as high as $57 each!
Right now, you can get both of these programs for just one payment of $9.95... so this is a pretty great deal!
And they come with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so you can test-drive them for 2 whole months and make sure you’re getting the results you want. If you’re not getting the results you want, just contact us within 60 days from the date of your purchase. Please email us at [email protected], or call us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will immediately issue you a full refund.
Add these programs to your order now, before you leave this page, so you can take advantage of this crazy discount!
Click The Yellow Button Below
To Get 10 Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body
AND Restorative Yoga for People Who Sit All Day
All For Just One Payment Of $9.95
(TRY EVERYTHING RISK FREE - comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the 10 Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body
AND Restorative Yoga for People Who Sit All Day program.
Right after you order, you can access the full digital version of the programs and download it all onto any computer or mobile device. And you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
(Regular Retail Price = $74)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
No thanks, I will pass on this ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER… and I realize I will never have this opportunity again.