New Discovery Forces Japanese Scientists To Ask:
“Can You Eat Yourself Skinny In Just 2 Weeks?”
12-Minute “Fat Melt Flow”
Drops 8 POUNDS Off Your Body
Without Pills Or Restrictive Dieting
- No Gym Time Required
- Still Enjoy Your Favorite Holiday Foods
- Safe & Fun At ANY Age…
- FREE DVD Reveals The 6-Step Sequence
Tell Me Where To Ship Your FREE Holiday DVD
(All I Ask Is That You Cover Shipping)
As Featured In: |

Hi, it’s Rick Kaselj — founder of
Today, I want to tell you about the remarkable new discovery made by a team of Japanese scientists.
It’s a simple movement sequence anyone, at ANY age can use to...
Melt away 8 lbs. of excess fat |
This is 100% real.
Because what I’ll reveal today is backed by DECADES of rigorous scientific research…
Combined with my thousands of 1-on-1 hours, helping heal people from 60+ countries.
What’s more, you can do this sequence...
Without giving up your |

How can you shed untold pounds of excess fat without slaving away in the gym? Read on to learn the secret - revealed on this FREE DVD
That’s right, you can still have your fill of delectable cooking...
… and enjoy your most cherished Holiday traditions…
Like stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie...
... without feeling even a bit of guilt.
(You won’t have to spend a second in the gym, either.)
Now, I’ve been blessed to create 125+ fitness and wellness programs over the past 2 decades.
Including best sellers like The Pain Hacker and The 7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet.
These programs, plus dozens more, have...
Transformed the health of |
Rest assured: I’m not stopping anytime soon.
Now, I don't’ say any of this to brag...
Rather, to show you my relentless commitment to bringing you my discoveries as soon as I learn about them.
Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on my most miraculous fat loss breakthrough to date.
This sequence gives you a simple set of movements (done right before eating), that...
Literally Blocks Sugar |
And funnels it into your muscles — where sugar and carbs are burned as natural energy.
Unbelievably, it starts working in 72 seconds.
And within two short weeks... it allows you to ERASE 8 pounds of ugly fat right off your middle.
What’s more, it requires:
- NO grueling exercise
- NO restrictive dieting
- And, it’s safe at ANY age!
It’s not some silly gizmo hogging up closet space…
Or something you hook up to your belly, either.
I Call This New Sequence... The |
What I love about this is, you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
Speaking of home...
I want to send a FREE DVD to your doorstep with this special step-by-step 12-Minute Fat Melt Flow.

(All I you cover the shipping & handling to receive it - just $7.95 US & Internationally).
DO NOT try to banish a single ounce of fat this Holiday season before watching this Free DVD
When you uncover the almost effortless exercises on this DVD…
You will learn:
- How to BLOCK YOUR FAT cells from growing…
- How to FUNNEL that “fatty energy” into your muscles where it’s BURNED.
- How to tone your tummy in 12 minutes... or even 6 minutes a day!
KEEP IN MIND: This Limited-Edition DVD is not available on my website, on Amazon, or any other store.
There’s only 200 copies available - and this page is the ONLY place they’re available.
Inside This Groundbreaking DVD
— You Will Discover:
- How an old Dictionary (yes, the physical book) can knock inches and pounds off your middle… by blocking your fat cells from growing (See Exercise #2)
- Fast forward your way to sleek, toned legs with this 20-second fat melt you can squeeze in whenever you change floors in your home (hint: it’s NOT climbing stairs) (See Exercise #1)
- Erasing upper body flab is different from lower body flab, right? WRONG! Here’s how you can “double dip” to firm your butt & biceps without using ANY cardio (See Exercise #3)
- How to melt ugly arm flab with weird “reverse Curtsey trick” (See Exercise #4)
- How simply moving your knee 12 inches towards your chest drops layers of unsightly fat from your belly (Uses zero crunches & sit-ups that RUIN your spine) (See Exercise #5)
- PLUS… a surprisingly fun way to flatten your tummy — even if you haven’t seen your abs in decades (See Exercise #6)
My Gift To You! |
- Instructional Flow Video (11:23) — $17 FREE
- Follow-Along Flow Video (04:20)— $17 FREE
- PDF Step-by-Step Manual (w/ photos)— $7 FREE
- Bonus #1: EFI's Christmas Cookbook — $12 FREE
- Bonus #2: Holiday Cookies — $12 FREE
BONUS Book #1: EFI's Christmas Cookbook
25 Delicious Holiday Recipes

($12 Value) |
Here’s a taste of a few delectable, anti-inflammatory recipes you get inside:
- Sesame Meatballs with Eggplant Dip
- Honey Garlic Turkey Meatballs
- Buckwheat Cinnamon Pancake Stacks
- And MUCH more...
BONUS Book #2: Holiday Cookies
A Healthier Way to Indulge this Holiday Season

($12 Value) |
Here’s a taste of a few delectable, anti-inflammatory recipes you get inside:
- Christmas Florentines
- Christmas Pudding Cookies
- Gingerbread Christmas Trees
- And MUCH more...
- BONUS #3: 14-Day Trial To Lifelong Wellness Academy — $24 FREE
When you order NOW, you can immediately access the Lifelong Wellness Academy.
What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy?
One of the amazing benefits is you get to ask your most pressing questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY.
You’ll have access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more! You get all of these for free, for 14 days!
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by sending us an email at [email protected]. You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
For more information about Lifelong Wellness Academy, visit our FAQ page at
Total Value
Today’s Price

Click the Yellow Button NOW to get the 12-Minute Holiday Workout DVD and the SPECIAL BONUSES FREE!
(Just pay S&H)
When you order today, you get instant access to the 12-Minute Holiday Workout, the 2 Holiday Recipe Cookbooks, AND a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You may cancel easily at any time. Just send us an email at [email protected], or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
Who Else Wants To Lose 8lbs. Of Fat In |
See, the problem with the holidays is you’re always getting amazing foods shoved in your face.
Now, you still need to exercise good judgement... but you DON’T need to starve yourself, either.
Here’s how you can erase 8 lbs. from your middle and STILL enjoy all your favorite Holiday cooking.

This little straw-like protein funnels sugar into your muscles, blocking it from turning into body fat. Claim your free DVD to learn how to activate it.
This 12-Minute Fat Melt Flow activates a special protein in your body called GLUT-4...
Which blocks sugar from being stored as fat…
And funnels it into your muscles — where it’s burned like logs over a hot fire.
That means you can get the same results in 4 minutes and 40 seconds…According to scientific research, my methods activate this protein 77X faster than traditional cardio.[1] someone who does low intensity cardio for 6 HOURS.
Hurry! Only 200 GIFT DVDs Available |
Due to the big volume of purchase orders flooding my DVD supplier for the Holidays...
I can only print 200 copies of this FREE DVD.
What’s more... 100,064 people will see this special offer.
That means these DVDs will be gone VERY soon.
So don’t wait! Because I’m literally GIFTING YOU a free opportunity to burn fat in a brand-new way…
...that you will not find on Amazon, in stores or anywhere besides this page.
This page is the ONLY place you can secure your free copy - so click the orange button below, and
(So I can rush a FREE copy to your door)
(Just pay S&H)
When you order today, you get instant access to the 12-Minute Holiday Workout, the 2 Holiday Recipe Cookbooks, AND a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You may cancel easily at any time. Just send us an email at [email protected], or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
Still skeptical? Guess what...
You SHOULD be.
There’s literally thousands of ineffective products promising fat loss…
Which is why you need to make sure this actually works, right?
So let me introduce you to real people getting real results… using methods like what you’ll learn inside your free DVD:
I’m 15 Pounds Lighter
By Cathy C. from Salem, OR
“I'm 15 pounds lighter, I wake up much easier in the mornings, I never feel bloated or fat or gross, I have more energy throughout the day, and I'm WEARING A BELT on pants that I bought when I was 21!!”

Went from 178 to 169 in 3 Weeks
By Anthony L. from Ft. Collins, CO:
“I have never met my 6 pack, and I would say I am 2 weeks away...went from 178 to 169 in 3 weeks and you can see a lot more definition - I’ve been to the gym 6 times, which is the same, if not less, than usual but half the time of a normal workout.”
Lost 40 Pounds... Still Losing 2+ Pounds A Week
By Regina G. from Charlotte, NC:
“I lost 40 pounds within 4 months... And still I am losing more than 2 pounds a week steadily.”
As you can see, not only is it possible…
But it’s EASIER than anything I’ve come across in 2+ decades of teaching exercise programs.

The #1 Way To Drop Extra |
Listen, I know you might have spent years trying to lose 10 or 20 lbs...
Wondering how your skinny friends eat the SAME things you do…
...but NEVER look overweight.
If you haven’t been able to lose stubborn fat, it’s not your fault.
You just haven’t had the “fat melt flow” to:
- BLOCK sugar and carbs from growing into fat
- FUNNEL them into your muscles…
- Where it is BURNED as natural energy
But if you send me your address below, I’ll send my FREE DVD to you immediately.
Don’t be surprised if within a month... you don’t even recognize yourself at all!
Your body will gush with a new, youthful energy…
As your friends pull you aside by the arm, lower their voice, and whisper:
“What have you been DOING? You look great!”
Just look at one client I helped, David R. from Speedway, IN:
“Helped Me Drop My Blood Pressure by 40 Points!”
“I have been retired since December 2011. I have been trying to get in shape. Blood pressure was 160/100 - it is now 110/70 without meds! Rick is helping me reach the goals I have for my age... It's a great way to get a stronger core.”
Just 12, or even 6 minutes a day... that’s all there is to it.
Click the button below to get started.
(So I can rush a FREE copy to your door)
(Just pay S&H)
When you order today, you get instant access to the 12-Minute Holiday Workout, the 2 Holiday Recipe Cookbooks, AND a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You may cancel easily at any time. Just send us an email at [email protected], or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
Rick Kaselj
P.S. If you just skimmed to the bottom... here’s the recap:
When you enter your mailing address on the next page - I’m mailing you a FREE DVD called “12-Minute Holiday Workout” that contains the 6 essential movements to erase fat off your body.
This FREE DVD has a retail value of $34.00 — but if you tell me where to send it — I’ll give it to you FREE (you just pay $7.95 shipping / handling).
Oh yeah, and you will also receive the digital copies of the 2 Holiday Recipe Cookbooks (PDFs) FREE when you tell me where to mail your DVD.
But hurry - because there’s a LIMITED SUPPLY of only 200 copies available... since my DVD printing supplier is swamped in the Holiday rush.
All you have to do is click the button below to grab your FREE copy now.
(So I can rush a FREE copy to your door)
(Just pay S&H)
When you order today, you get instant access to the 12-Minute Holiday Workout, the 2 Holiday Recipe Cookbooks, AND a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You may cancel easily at any time. Just send us an email at [email protected], or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
*All photos of people are models used for illustrative purposes, to protect the identities of the clients
- Effects of high-intensity swimming training on GLUT-4 and glucose transport activity in rat skeletal muscleShin Terada, Toshiko Yokozeki, Kentaro Kawanaka, Kishiko Ogawa, Mitsuru Higuchi, Osamu Ezaki, Izumi Tabata
Journal of Applied Physiology Jun 2001, 90 (6) 2019-2024;
- Exercise and Insulin: Convergence or Divergence at AS160 and TBC1D1?Gregory D. Cartee, Katsuhiko Funai
Exerc Sport Sci Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2009 Oct; 37(4): 188–195. doi: 10.1097/JES.0b013e3181b7b7c5
- Reynolds, Gretchen. “The Scientific 7-Minute Workout.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 9 May 2013,