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A legitimate way to exercise less
and get better results
Hey—it’s Rick Kaselj. There’s something I need to show you.
I’ve been recommending this to all my new customers.
I realize it may sound a little bit like some hyped-up Internet “over-promise,” but you know me, and you know that everything I do is based on sound scientific research, and testing with real people in the real world.
So, I’m hoping you’ll at least give me the benefit of the doubt when I tell you this is a legitimate way to exercise less and get BETTER results.
This silly-looking ball can multiply your results,
so you can spend less time exercising, and
actually get better results
This is a stability ball. It’s also known as a Swiss ball or exercise ball.
I believe this is the most underrated and underutilized piece of exercise equipment.
While stability balls are very common, they’re overlooked by most people because they don’t realize...
A stability ball can literally multiply your efforts while you exercise, which can help you get more and better results in less time and with less effort.
If using a stability ball while exercising seems scary, intimidating, or unsafe to you, let me assure you that the exercise routine I’m about to show you on this page is so safe, so gentle, and so easy that virtually any person could do it. You can do it if you’re 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, or older. You can do it even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life. You can do this exercise routine if you’re out of shape… even if your body feels completely stiff and inflexible.
3 reasons a stability ball can
multiply your results
when you exercise
(1) Research shows stability balls increase muscle activation
If you want to get more results from your exercise while spending less time doing it, you need to pay attention to muscle activation.
Different exercises activate your muscles in different amounts. For example, a supine leg lift will activate your abdominal muscles a certain amount and a situp will activate them a different amount.
So, to get the biggest bang for your buck - the greatest results for the least amount of time spent exercising, you need to find the exercises that activate your muscles the most.
Recent research has shown that using a stability ball significantly increases the muscle activation you get with many exercises that are normally performed on a stable surface.
This is a quote from a 2007 study entitled Electromyographic Comparison Of A Stability Ball Crunch With A Traditional Crunch that was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research:
“Cosio-Lima and others found significantly greater mean EMG activity [muscle activation] using a stability ball, compared with a stable floor surface…”
(2) Stability balls turn many regular exercises into whole-body exercises
This quote comes from a article entitled 10 Fun Moves to Reshape Your Body With an Exercise Ball Workout:
“Take a traditional bicep curl or a squat and do it on the exercise [stability] ball, says Pire, and it becomes a whole-body exercise, challenging your strength and more of your body's muscles at one time.”
How does turning regular exercises into whole-body exercises multiply your results?
Whole-body exercises utilize more of your muscles, all throughout your body, in every exercise you do. So, instead of doing a regular bicep curl sitting on an exercise bench, which targets just a few muscles in your arm, doing that same exercise on a stability ball will now also engage muscles in your core, back, hips, and shoulders, because now, you must balance yourself on the ball while you’re doing the exercise.
So with each exercise, you’re now activating and strengthening more muscles, thus multiplying your results!
(3) It’s easy, gentle and fun
In a 2012 study entitled Effect of 12-Week Swiss Ball Exercise Program on Physical Fitness and Balance Ability of Elderly Women, 65 elderly women (all over the age of 78) did a stability ball exercise program to determine its effect on their overall physical fitness and balance ability. This is the study’s conclusion:
“The Swiss [stability] ball exercise program had a positive effect on physical fitness and balance ability of elderly women. We consider that the ball which is easy, safe and interesting to use will encourage the elderly’s active participation in exercise.”
How does the fact that exercising with a stability ball is easy, gentle and fun help multiply your results?
- The easier an exercise program is, the more likely you are to do it.
- The gentler an exercise program is, the less you’ll be afraid to do it, and the more likely you are to do it.
- The more fun an exercise routine is, the more likely you are to do it.
The more likely you are to do an exercise routine, the more you actually will do it…
...and the more you do it, the more you will accumulate and multiply your results!
And that’s just the beginning...
look at all these other benefits you get
from using a stability ball:
- Tighten and tone your thighs, tummy and tush
- Reduce back, hip, knee and shoulder pain
- Burn more calories in less time
- Burn more calories throughout the day
- Lose weight
- Increase your energy
- Increase flexibility
- Increase your strength and endurance
- Better joint stability and coordination
- Improve balance and decrease risk of falling
- Make your heart stronger and healthier
- Prevent injury and chronic pain
- Stabilize and strengthen your core
- Take your health and fitness to the next level
- Straighten your posture
- Sit and stand for longer periods without pain
- Feel better, more of the time
Here’s why this new exercise routine
is so great - especially for women and men
between the ages of 45 and 75+...
...because it’s:
- DIFFERENT - I’m fairly certain you haven’t seen or tried this yet
- EFFECTIVE - This new exercise routine alone can:
- Help you lose weight
- Improve your balance and stability
- Tighten and tone your thighs, tummy and tush
- Stabilize and strengthen your core
- Make your body a lot more flexible
- Improve your posture
- Make your heart stronger and healthier
- Reduce back, hip, knee and shoulder pain
- Increase your energy
- Help you feel better, more often
- BASED ON REAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - I’ve been a Registered Kinesiologist and leading pain, injury, health and fitness specialist for 25+ years, and I’ve learned that the exercise programs that are based on conclusions from real scientific studies produce better results for most people. The easy exercise program I’m going to show you on this page works because it is based on conclusions from 10 different scientific research papers and studies.
- REALISTIC - There are more weight loss, health gimmicks and instant fitness fixes available today than ever before. I KNOW, from 25+ years of working with people who have improved their health, fitness, and overall enjoyment of life, that there is no such thing as an “instant fix” for your fitness, weight or health. This new exercise program actually takes some time and work on your part, but the reward is: it actually works. And the other great thing is: it doesn’t actually take that much time or work!
- EASY & GENTLE - Virtually anyone can do this exercise routine. You can do it if you’re 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, or older. You can do it even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life. You can do this exercise routine if you’re out of shape… even if your body feels completely stiff and inflexible.
- FAST - This whole routine only takes 12 minutes (or less) each day to do.
Because you’re my newest customer, and I want to give you as much value as I can right out of the gate, and because I really want you to have this new program, because I know how much it can help you, and how much you’ll love it, I have a special deal for you…
If you add Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout to
your order right now—before you leave this page,
you’ll get it for just one payment of $9.
(That’s 67% off the regular retail price of $29!)
But, this is a one-time only offer.
Once you leave this page, this offer EXPIRES
and won’t be made again...
Just click the yellow button below to add
Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout
to your order for just one payment of $9
(TRY IT RISK FREE - it comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
(Regular Retail Price = $29)
(Regular Retail Price = $29)
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
to the whole program, IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU ORDER
Here’s everything you get for $29 $9:
(...if you add this to your order before you leave this page!)
INTRODUCTION VIDEOA quick overview of the program, how to select and purchase the right stability ball for you, and a recommended path to follow in the program. |
($7 value) |
STAGE 1 - GETTING STARTED (EASY)In this first stage, we’ll get you started, up to speed and familiarized with the stability ball. Our goal here is to build a basic foundation for the rest of the program. Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
STAGE 2 - HEALTHY (INTERMEDIATE)In Stage 2, we’ll make some steady progress so you can keep improving your balance, increasing your strength and energy, and losing weight! Our goal here is to start getting you some good results and get you ready for Stage 3, if you decide to do it. Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
STAGE 3 - INVINCIBLE (ADVANCED)The third and final stage is challenging. You don’t need to do this stage if you’re not comfortable with it - you can get excellent results doing just Stages 1 and 2, but we’ve included this Invincible stage for those who want to keep pushing their progress and results. Your virtual personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools include:
($67 value) |
BONUS #1: FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN MY VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
BONUS #2: FREE LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime the Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (11 videos, 15 PDF files) |
$302.00 |
$29.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you add this to your order before you leave this page!) |
$9.00 |
(*REMEMBER... don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 sequence, which will only take 12 minutes each day, you should start seeing some good results and feeling stronger and better within 7 days. And Stage 2 and Stage 3 are there to help you progress gradually - at the pace that’s perfect for you, until you reach your ultimate goal of getting stronger, improving your balance, losing weight, having more energy throughout the day, and improving your overall health.)
Click the yellow button below to add
Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout
to your order for just one payment of $9
(TRY IT RISK FREE - it comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
(Regular Retail Price = $29)
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
NOTE: The Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout program is a set of 11 downloadable videos and 15 PDF files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the videos and PDF files. The PDF files can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at [email protected].