Breaking Medical News…

Health Expert Discovers Natural Solution For Strengthening the Digestive System That’s Being Called….
A “Gut Health Miracle”!

From now on, you no longer have to live with the dire consequences of poor digestion. You can finally obtain “gut health security” and enjoy your favorite foods, symptom-free all day long!

Keep Reading to Discover This Life-Changing Medical News….

Are you living with the miserable symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

Poor digestion can make your day-to-day life a living hell!

Take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone.

Today, it’s estimated that a staggering 70 million people suffer from one or more digestive issues every day, according to The American Nutrition Association.

While some people choose to struggle with their sluggish digestion on their own…

Each year, approximately 32 million people visit a doctor for chronic digestive disorders, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And the consequences of an unhealthy gut are much more serious than you’ve been led to believe.

Medical research shows that gut health is critical not only for maintaining good digestion, but also for protecting your overall health.

Recent studies prove clear links between digestion and the immune system, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, emotional health, endocrine disorders, skin conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome and more.

So, why are digestive problems reaching epidemic levels throughout the world?

Many aspects of a modern lifestyle can directly contribute to an unhealthy gut, including….

  • Antibiotics and other medications
  • Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods
  • Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut
  • Chronic stress
  • Chronic infections
  • Weakened immunity
  • A sedentary lifestyle

If You Have an Unhealthy Gut, You May Be Experiencing Miserable Symptoms at This Very Moment!

Whether you experience distressing digestive symptoms only after eating specific foods… or on a recurring, daily basis…

If you can identify with even one of the following, it’s a clear indicator that you have a dangerously unhealthy gut:

  • Heartburn
  • Acid Reflux
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Food Allergies
  • Upset Stomach
  • And many more

Even if you’re not always running to the bathroom or never experience heartburn… it doesn’t mean your gut is healthy.

Here’s what you need to urgently understand….

Many people are unaware that their gut isn’t working properly.

But approximately 22% of people without symptoms actually have significant damage to their small intestine.

The following symptoms are also serious warnings of an unhealthy gut….

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood Swings
  • Skin Problems
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Frequent Infections
  • Poor Memory and Concentration
  • And many more

And here’s possibly the most difficult and lonely part….

NOBODY Understands the Daily Hell You’re Going Through!

(They may even become annoyed with you for talking about your digestive problems)

Poor digestion can present a myriad of chronic symptoms, which can make even a simple meal a stressful, challenging and even scary experience.

Worrying about your digestion occupies your mind 24/7 and becomes a full-time, exhausting job.

Your family and friends may not understand why you can only eat in certain restaurants, need to know the specific ingredients in every dish and can’t go anywhere unless there’s a restroom in the vicinity.

They may accuse you of exaggerating your symptoms, or even of being a hypochondriac.

You see, people who’ve never experienced digestive problems are unable to comprehend how difficult it is day in and day out.

Life becomes frustrating and an uphill battle.

Your unhealthy gut can adversely impact all areas of your life, including your career, education and relationships.

And it becomes impossible to function at the highest levels and fulfill your true potential.

Why Your Gut Is the “Gateway to Health.”

Your digestive tract is actually “central command” for your entire system.

When something isn’t working properly with your digestion, it adversely affects the whole of you.

The overall quality, health and strength of your gut governs the ability of your body to properly absorb the essential nutrients from the food you’re eating.

You see, digestion is like a river. Everything runs downwards from the mouth to the toilet.

Anything that’s not functioning properly along that “river” adversely affects your body’s ability to absorb and properly use food.

So, without a properly functioning digestive tract, you eventually become nutritionally starved.

If your digestion is broken, it doesn’t matter how many supplements and vitamins you take to attempt to rectify the problem, they won’t be absorbed either.

And if you fail to take immediate action to strengthen your gut, it can result in dire consequences.

If You Ignore Your Gut Health, You Risk Developing Serious Health Problems!

Many people choose to do nothing about their declining gut health, believing it’ll clear up on its own.

But here’s why that’s a dangerous mistake….

60% to 80% of Your Immune System is Located in Your Gut!

That’s why it’s so important for you to start strengthening your digestive system before you develop even more serious health problems.

When your gut is unhealthy, it can cause more than simply bloating and gas… it can lead you to develop:

  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Skin Problems
  • Allergies
  • Mood Disorders
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • High Blood Pressure
  • And many more

Why is a healthy gut so important for maintaining a positive mood?

One of the most common symptoms of an ineffective digestive tract is sadness.

The “happy” hormone is Serotonin and up to 90% of it is made in the gut.

When it’s not being adequately produced, you’ll experience mood disorders, such as depression.

Have You Been Searching for Digestion Relief In All The Wrong Places?

Digestive system problems are so common, there are currently more than 200 different over-the-counter and prescription medications.

And digestion aids earn Big Pharma billions of dollars in profits each year.

While those digestive aids may provide you with an hour or two of relief….

They only temporarily mask the symptoms without healing the root cause of your unhealthy gut, so they fail to provide you with permanent relief.

Plus, many of those products come with a risk of serious side effects, and can actually make your digestion even worse!

Here’s the exciting news….

It’s definitely not too late to repair the damage and turn your digestive tract around from unhealthy to highly functioning.

Poor Digestion Doesn’t Have to Be A Life Sentence Anymore!

I’m about to share with you a breakthrough all-natural system that’s being called a “Gut Health Miracle”!

And I’m not talking about just a few hours of better digestion, and then you’re back to gas, bloating, abdominal pain and other painful symptoms.

I’ll show you how to easily maintain a healthy digestive system for a lifetime.

This breakthrough, all-natural program jumpstarts your gut health in just 14 days… and you’ll be shocked how easy it is to obtain relief.

I understand if this sounds too good to be true.

Especially if you’ve tried countless so-called gut strengthening remedies in the past that only wasted your precious time and hard-earned money.

But I give you my word that this system will not only meet your every expectation, it’ll exceed them!

You’ll learn scientifically proven, all-natural strategies that promote superior gut health for a lifetime.

I promise I’ll share all the remarkable details about my revolutionary program in a moment…

But first…

I’d love to introduce myself and explain what inspired me to create this remarkable gut-healing system.

My name is Rick Kaselj, also known throughout the world as the “Pain Hacker.” I’m a leading Health Expert, Pain Specialist, Fitness Trainer, International Lecturer and Acclaimed Author.

Since 1994, I’ve shown thousands of people throughout the world how to overcome debilitating health problems through my groundbreaking programs.

To date, I’ve given over 352 presentations to more than 8,152 health professionals in the United States and Canada.

I’ve been featured in major media outlets, including Yahoo! News, Men’s Health magazine,,, Iron Man, Men’s Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle, and many other leading publications.

For decades, it broke my heart to see clients who were constantly struggling with the excruciating symptoms of an unhealthy gut.

I’ve personally witnessed the dire health consequences that poor digestion inflicts on the human body.  And the emotional toll it can take.

Living with a poorly functioning digestive system causes people constant pain, misery and frustration.

In fact, many times they’re unable to connect the dots between their ongoing physical, emotional and mental symptoms with their lousy gut health.

I was frustrated that traditional medicine failed to provide a safe and effective solution for people like you who are suffering with ongoing digestive problems.

So, here’s what I did….

I shut myself in my office, hung a “Gone Fishing” sign on the door, and spent hours researching the latest clinical studies on digestion and gut health.

I was determined to find the most effective, safest and scientifically proven natural methods for promoting the healthiest digestive system.

Mission accomplished!

I’m so proud to have created the best program on the market that really works to strengthen your gut….

The “14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program” Shows You How to Supercharge Your Gut Health…. Without Medications or Any Risk Of Side Effects.

My breakthrough 14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program is the solution you’ve been searching for!

I’ve included all my proven strategies for improving your entire digestive system in this easy-to-follow system.

I’m so grateful that the positive feedback I’m receiving is through the roof!

People report being shocked at how fast the 14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program works.

They didn’t have to wait months, or even weeks, to notice results.

By following the tips and techniques in the program, they found not only fast, but lasting relief from digestive problems.

They never imagined such immediate and long-lasting results were even possible.

In fact, this program works so well I’m proud to put my name and reputation behind it.!

How Much is A Healthy Gut Worth to You?

For those suffering daily with abdominal pain, bloating, gas, heartburn and other life-wrecking symptoms of an unhealthy gut…. it’s literally priceless.

Imagine being able to improve your entire digestive system, and dramatically improve your physical, emotional and mental health.

So, how much is a program that contains the best scientifically-proven strategies for obtaining a healthy digestive system worth to you?

Hundreds of dollars? Thousands?

Hold on to your hat!

For a limited-time only, you’ll receive the entire 14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program for the insanely low cost of only….


No, you’re not dreaming!

The regular price for the complete program is $57… but I’ve decided to temporarily lower the price so nobody is shut out from discovering how to gain the healthiest digestive system.


Normal price $57

Act Fast!

Take Advantage of This Limited-Time Offer and Order TODAY!

Check out all the incredible gut-strengthening tools you’ll receive for the rock-bottom price of less than $20:

Secure Order Form

(Regular Retail Price $57)

Special Discounted Price
(TODAY ONLY) = $19.95

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the All About Digestion: Tips and Strategies to Improve Digestive Health, 10 Easy Movements to Improve Digestion, Cooking for Digestive Health: 25 Digestion Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Recipes including the 14-Day Meal Plan and Shopping List.

  • Our Research-Based eBook, “All About Digestion: Tips and Strategies to Improve Digestive Health”

In this incredible eBook, you’ll receive the most up-to-date information about digestion, and learn proven, all-natural strategies for obtaining lasting relief.

You’ll discover….

  • Natural Ways to Keep the Digestive System Working Smoothly
  • Digestive Herbs and Supplements
  • Best and Worst Foods for Healthy Digestion
  • And much more!

You’ll also receive in our jam-packed 14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program:

  • Our Delicious Cookbook, “Cooking for Digestive Health: 25 Digestion Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Recipes”

Our team of leading nutritionists and professional chefs crafted 25 of the tastiest meals and snacks with proven anti-inflammatory ingredients that strengthen your digestion.

No matter how hectic your life is, you’ll be able to whip up these scrumptious dishes and snacks in mere minutes.

Not a Martha Stewart in the kitchen? No problem!

These beautifully illustrated step-by-step recipes will have you quickly cooking like a professional chef, even if your only past cooking experience is boiling water.

Here’s a “sneak peek” of a few of the tasty dishes:

Oh, and by the way….

You won’t need to stress over menu planning and shopping as you’ll have our expert guidance every step of the way.

You’ll also receive at no extra charge….

  • Cooking for Digestive Health 14-Day Meal Plan provides you with a comprehensive day-by-day menu plan to make incorporating these healthy meals into your life an easy breezy process. You’ll always know which dishes to prepare for every single meal.

  • Cooking for Digestive Health Shopping List gives you every ingredient you’ll need to create these wonderful dishes, so shopping for them at the grocery store will be a cinch.

For the Healthiest Gut….

You Also Need to Get Up and Get Moving!

If you sit behind a desk for hours each day, and then become a couch potato in front of the TV every evening….

Recent medical research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is a major contributing factor to an unhealthy gut.

You’ll receive a series of gentle, yet effective, exercises that promote a superior digestive system, which were personally designed by leading fitness trainer and health coach, Rick Kaselj.

  • “10 Easy Movements to Improve Digestion”

10 Easy Movements to Improve Digestion is simple to perform… no matter how young or “old” you are, the state of your health and even if you’ve never exercised before in your life.

Rick will be guiding you every step of the way during these easy virtual training sessions, so there’s absolutely no risk of injury.

He’ll show you how to properly perform each movement, including the exact number of reps and sets to do, along with proper form and intensity.

Unlike the competitive nature of gym training floors, there’s no pressure to perform at a certain speed. You’re free to progress at the rate that feels most comfortable to you.

And to ensure you have 100% support along the way, you’ll receive….

  • Instructional Video:

    You’ll never feel alone while following these amazing videos. You’ll receive all the info you need to succeed, including how many reps and sets to do, along with proper form and intensity. Rest assured, you’ll always feel completely confident that you’re performing the exercises correctly, while remaining highly motivated.

  • Follow Along Video:

    Exercising can be intimidating, even for pros. In this wonderful follow along video, you’ll perform each of the exercises right along with Rick’s expert exercise assistant. Rick will be there to personally count out the reps and time, and provide motivation to keep you on track.

  • Convenient Manual:

    Refer to this convenient manual to learn the exact start and end positions for each exercise, how to avoid the most common mistakes, and much more.

Imagine Your New Life with A Healthy Digestive System…

Imagine being able to enjoy every moment of your life without nagging abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation, and other distressing symptoms of an unhealthy gut.

Imagine no longer worrying about getting life-threatening diseases that are associated with poor digestion.

Just imagine it.  People are reporting that in just 14 days they’re experiencing:

  • No need for digestive medications

  • Less bloating and gas

  • An end to heartburn

  • Perfect digestion

  • Increased energy

  • Clearer, more radiant skin

  • More positive moods

  • Improved mental clarity

  • Better sleep

  • Increased focus and concentration

  • Less sugar cravings

  • And many more benefits

For Just $19.95….

Receive Instant Access to The Complete “14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program” Including:

Our gut-strengthening eBook, "All About Digestion: Tips and Strategies for Improving Digestive Health"

Our delicious cookbook, "Cooking For Digestive Health: 25 Digestion Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Recipes"

  • Cooking for Digestive Health 14-Day Meal Plan
  • Cooking for Digestive Health Shopping List

Rick Kaselj’s simple (but powerful) exercise program: 10 Easy Movements to Improve Digestion

  • Instructional and Follow Along Videos
  • Convenient Manual

Let’s Fast Forward 30 Days into The Future…

  • You’ll wake up full of energy with optimal digestion, and eager to face the challenges of the new day, symptom-free.
  • You’ll no longer have to deal with bloating, heartburn, gas, constipation, abdominal pain and other miserable gut symptoms.
  • You’ll be able to fully enjoy every minute of your life without needing to constantly obsess over your digestion.
  • You’ll no longer have to worry about developing dreaded diseases that are linked to an unhealthy gut.
  • You’ll be able to eat your favorite foods worry-free.
  • You’ll obtain the healthy, active and joyful life you deserve.

Don't Buy... Try!

Try the “14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program”

RISK-FREE For 60 Days!

This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive this whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!

If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind...

...all you have to do is contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase by sending us an email at You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will immediately issue you a full refund.

Are You Ready to Say “Hello” To Optimal Gut Health?


Get the Complete “14-Day Digestive Health Quick Start Program” For the Crazy Low Price of Only $19.95

[regular price of $57]

Secure Order Form

(Regular Retail Price $57)

Special Discounted Price
(TODAY ONLY) = $19.95

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the All About Digestion: Tips and Strategies to Improve Digestive Health, 10 Easy Movements to Improve Digestion, Cooking for Digestive Health: 25 Digestion Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Recipes including the 14-Day Meal Plan and Shopping List.