For women and men between the ages of 45 and 75...
There’s a much easier and more enjoyable way to keep your heart healthy, get fit, feel great, and even lose weight...
Do you ever worry about your health?
Be honest—do you do enough to keep your heart healthy?
How often do you get your heart rate up and your blood flowing?
Even if you lift weights and do yoga regularly... if you’re like most people, you’re probably not doing it in a way that properly stimulates your heart and cardiovascular system.
When we don’t consistently and properly stimulate our cardiovascular system, our arteries get constricted and clogged, our blood becomes viscous (thick and slow-moving), and our heart has more and more trouble pumping our blood through our body.
Combine this with the fact that we all sit way too much every day, and you may already have a potentially dangerous situation developing in your body.
We all know this stuff… but we still don’t do what we need to.
One of the big reasons we don’t is…
“I HATE doing cardio.”
Most of us hate doing traditional cardio exercises.
We dread the treadmill. (Some people actually call it the “dreadmill.”)
We hate the elliptical.
We can’t stand the booooooooooring monotony of jogging, cycling, walking, etc.
If you hate cardio, you’re not the only one. (Not even close.)
Here’s a quote I found online from a personal trainer:
“Let me just go on record and say that I hate cardio. I detest it. I don’t like it, I don’t want to do it, and to be honest I suck at it.”
There’s even a whole trend and culture centered around hating cardio!
You can buy “I hate cardio” gifts, t-shirts, even socks...
So yeah… most of us hate it.
Here’s the good news...
You can get all the benefits of cardio, and do everything your body needs to stay healthy and fit, without doing any traditional cardio exercises. If you’ll give me just a couple minutes, I’ll prove it to you.
On this page, I’m going to show you a new exercise routine that can strengthen your heart, protect you from heart disease and stroke, increase your fitness, endurance and stamina, help you lose weight, increase your energy, and a lot more.
This new exercise routine is designed specifically for women and men between the ages of 45 and 75, so it’s gentle, safe, and very easy to do. It’s also fast—you can do the entire routine in under 7 minutes a day. And you don’t need a gym, any expensive equipment, or special workout clothes.
Please read this important disclaimer: The exercise routine I’m going to show you on this page should not be the only thing you do to keep your heart healthy. This exercise routine is not a guarantee for heart or overall health, and is not a substitution for qualified medical advice. If you have concerns about your cardiovascular health, please consult with your doctor prior to starting this program.
Does this sound too good to be true?
If you’re skeptical, I think that’s good—you should be skeptical these days.
But, I promise you—this is not too good to be true. And I’m not your average “internet fitness guru.”
My name is Rick Kaselj and I’ve been a Registered Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist for 25+ years.
Before that, I spent 6 years studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise at the university level, and then got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
I have conducted thousands of face-to-face personal training, pain-relief and injury-recovery sessions. I’ve also reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
So, if you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt, at least for the next few minutes, I’d like to show you this new “cardio” routine that’s designed specifically for people who hate traditional cardio.
Before I show you the routine, I want to be sure you and I are on the same page about how important cardiovascular exercise is. Because of everything I’ve seen working in the health and fitness field for 25+ years, my views on cardio may be a bit different than you’d expect.
Cardio is no longer optional
I tell my clients and students that cardio is no longer optional—it’s mandatory.
It’s like flossing your teeth. You just HAVE to do it.
There are 3 reasons I say cardio is no longer optional:
- It’s dangerous to not do cardio on a consistent basis
- You get so many great benefits from doing cardio on a consistent basis
- Cardio is now fast and easy
It’s dangerous to not do cardio
on a consistent basis
Research has shown that people who are physically inactive and less fit...
- Have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure (which can lead to heart attacks and strokes)
- May be as likely to die as smokers! (The Daily Mail reported that inactivity is “as deadly as smoking”)
- Are more likely to become anxious, socially isolated, and depressed
- Are more likely to fall and injure themselves (if they’re older)
- May have an increased risk for certain cancers
- Are more likely to die prematurely (Studies released in the medical journal The Lancet showed that lack of physical activity may cause up to 1 in 10 deaths worldwide!)
- Are more likely to be disabled later in life (A study published in the British Medical Journal showed that inactive people were up to 72% more likely to develop disability once they reach the age of 65.)
- Are more likely to be overweight (A study from Stanford University showed that inactivity was the number one trigger for obesity.)
- Are at higher risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes
You get so many great benefits from
doing cardio on a consistent basis
The Cleveland Clinic lists these benefits that come from regular cardio exercise:
- Increases blood flow
- Decreases risk of stroke
- Improves memory and cognitive ability
- Helps protect against Alzheimer's disease
- Clearer, healthier skin
- Controls blood sugar
- Lowers cholesterol
- Increases muscle performance
- Decreases risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Strengthens lungs
- Burns more calories and helps you lose weight
- Decreases erectile dysfunction in men
- Leads to enhanced sexual arousal for women
- Protects against osteoporosis
- Reduces arthritis pain
- Gives you more energy throughout the day
- Helps you fall asleep faster, and promotes deeper REM sleep
- Releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which reduce anxiety and depression
- Boosts your mood, improves self-esteem
Imagine what it would be like to get even HALF of these benefits?
Imagine how much better you would feel every single day…
Imagine how great it would be to not have to worry about your health anymore...
Cardio is now fast and easy
I know the exercise routine I’m going to show you on this page can help make your heart healthy, protect you from disease, increase your strength and endurance, help you get fit, increase your energy, and lots more.
But the big problem with exercise routines is most people never do them consistently.
And if you don’t do it, you won’t get results.
So, my goal in creating the exercise routine I’m about to show you is the same goal I have when I create all of my exercise programs—IT MUST BE fast, easy, gentle, enjoyable and highly-effective, so you will NATURALLY WANT to do it on a consistent basis.
This exercise program is not only very effective, but I’m confident that if you just try it, that you’ll want to continue doing it on a regular basis, and this is the MOST IMPORTANT thing about exercise—you have to find something that you WILL DO on a consistent basis.
So, please read the next few short sections carefully—they go into a little more detail about how fast, easy, gentle, enjoyable and effective this new, non-traditional cardio exercise routine is.
Here’s why you’ll actually do this
exercise program, consistently…
You don't need a gym, special exercise clothes, or expensive equipment, to make your heart stronger and healthier!
Are you busy? Do you have a full work and life schedule already?
No problem—this exercise routine takes under 7 minutes to complete.
Isn’t it a pain-in-the-butt to exercise when you have to:
- Change into special exercise clothes
- Drive all the way to the gym
- Fight the crowds for use of the machines and weights you need to use
- Take a shower
- Change back into your regular clothes
- ...And then drive back to work or home?
GREAT NEWS!... You don’t have to do *ANY* of that!
With this 7-minute, heart-healthy exercise program:
- You don’t need a gym
- You don’t need to drive anywhere
- You don’t need to change into special exercise clothes
- You don’t need any expensive equipment
- You don’t need to shower after you do the routine, because you won’t even break a sweat!
You can do this exercise routine with just your body and a floor!
(If you can purchase a few inexpensive items, that’s even better, but not required.)
Here’s why you don’t need to be scared
of doing this exercise program…
Are you worried you’re too old to do an exercise routine like this?
Are you worried you might get injured?
Are you worried it might be too intense for you?
Are you worried you’re too out-of-shape?
Are you worried you can’t do this because you’ve never really exercised consistently (or at all)?
Please don’t worry about any of this - I’ve taken all of it into consideration in designing the 7-minute heart-healthy exercise routine I’m about to show you.
- This routine was designed specifically for women and men between the ages of 45 and 75, knowing full well that people in this age group have different exercise and health needs and capabilities.
- The movements and exercises in this routine are extremely gentle, safe and easy on your joints.
- This program follows a gradual progression model that starts you out with a very low-impact, low-intensity, and short-duration routine—one that virtually any person can do, regardless of age, fitness, or exercise experience. Then, if you want to progress and increase your results, we show you how to easily accomplish this too.
Here’s why you can feel confident
that this exercise program will
actually work for you
I’ve created more than 30 exercise programs that help people recover from injuries, eliminate pain and improve their health and fitness… and my programs work.
Here’s proof from real people who have used my programs to change their lives for the better:
“Every day I am feeling better. Thank you Rick for all of your time and research :)”
Florentine Matejcek, BCRPA Personal Trainer, North Shore Vancouver, BC
Gretchen Bonfert, aka Giselle Bonfaire, Grant Writer and Musician
“I purchased and downloaded his Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise program and am very proud to say that I did a subset of the exercises that were right for me – with dedication, for weeks – and now it is all FINE!
I have regained ALL of the function I’ve had, which is pretty astonishing given how bad it was.
Thank you, Rick!”
Tammy D. Jones, IFBB Professional Bodybuilder, Cape Coral, FL
“My shoulder is 100% better after doing the program from start to finish. It’s as if nothing were ever wrong to begin with. I am so thankful to you. I was really scared there for a while. Thought my career was over, that I might need surgery because the pain kept getting progressively worse. I bought the Fix My Shoulder Pain program in January, and not even 2-3 weeks later I am completely functional. WOW. No pain at all, whatsoever.”
“After using your Plantar Fasciitis program, I noticed a difference by the second morning. I was able to get up out of bed without the immediate pain and stiffness I am used to experiencing in the morning. I am now able to walk 1.5 miles without pain during or after my walk. That is exciting! I was in constant pain before I started the program and now I am able to take walks with my husband, pain-free.”
Jennifer Dixon, Payroll Supervisor, CPP, Wenatchee, WA
Thomas Mcgowan, Retired Marketing Executive, Dublin, Ireland
“I am a 71 year old, a golf enthusiast, and had been experiencing sciatica type pain in my left hip for some time. Thankfully, by following your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program daily, I am now totally free of hip pain. Many thanks for your help!”
Shelley Watson, Carmel, CA
“Your exercises have changed my life. I have been in constant pain for 15 years.”
Tracy Walker, North Carolina
“I just wanted to say thank you for providing what I needed to resolve my hip problem! After following your exercises, I went through work all day with no pain and no pain medication. Yeah!! Thanks so much for a simple answer to a problem I have been dealing with for months.”
“I followed your Fixing Elbow Pain program and my elbow pain was practically gone in about 10 days. Great program! Thanks again.”
Michael Matlock, Birmingham, AL, Owner of Investment Advisory Business
When you do this exercise program,
you can also...
This exercise routine also incorporates some resistance and strength training, which help build lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate, which means you will burn more calories automatically, throughout the day.
Contrary to what many people believe, exercising does not make you tired. Exercising actually creates energy in the body because your body needs this energy to handle the additional demands the exercise is placing on your body. With more consistent exercise, you’ll be creating more energy in your body and you’ll begin to feel an overall increase in your energy levels!
Some of the exercises in this routine are whole-body movements. Because these movements involve multiple muscle groups and multiple joints, it trains the different muscles and joints to coordinate and work better together. When your muscles and joints don’t have the benefit of this type of training, and are therefore less coordinated, this can cause injury, so this is a very important protective measure.
The resistance, strength and endurance training we use in this exercise routine help strengthen your joints and increase your overall flexibility, both of which protect you against joint degeneration. Joint degeneration is the cause of many types of chronic pain, like knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, and more.
So, what exactly is this “non-traditional” cardio exercise routine? And how can YOU start using it too?
After discovering that many of my clients and students were doing no cardiovascular exercise, mostly because they couldn’t get themselves to do the traditional cardio exercises and workouts, I set out to create a cardio program they would do.
As I mentioned above, I designed this routine to be very easy and fast, so people would ACTUALLY DO IT. But I also used all of the latest and relevant research to make sure the program would be EFFECTIVE too.
I call this new program: Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio is a video exercise program you can do at home, completely on your own. It’s a simple program of easy and gentle movements that use just your bodyweight and some inexpensive items you can easily purchase online or at a sporting goods store. (You can also use household items in place of these—we explain everything thoroughly in the program.)
The program is designed to give you all the benefits of traditional cardio, but without having to do traditional cardio exercises like running, cycling, elliptical, etc. This program can help strengthen and protect your heart, increase your endurance, energy and stamina, help you lose weight, feel great, and get healthier overall, so you can feel better every day and stop worrying about your health. And each exercise session in the program is designed to be completed in under 7 minutes.
The videos in this program show you how to do each and every exercise perfectly, in exactly the right sequence, with exactly the right number of repetitions and sets, all laid out for you, in explicit detail.
Here’s what’s DIFFERENT and GREAT about the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program:
- You can still be a regular person – you don’t need to be a health and fitness nut to get great results with this program.
- You can do this whole exercise routine in under 7 minutes every day.
- This program only asks you to make small changes to your life, and make them gradually.
- You don’t have to do crazy intense, time-consuming workouts. The workouts in this program are low-impact and easy for just about anyone to do, but still very effective!
- You can do this exercise program pretty much anywhere, anytime - you never need a gym or any equipment.
- This is not just a bunch of exercises thrown together with the HOPE that they will help you strengthen your heart and make it healthier. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM based on medical research and scientific studies.
- This program has only the exercises you need… and none that you don’t.
- I didn’t just make up this program. It is the result of YEARS OF SCHOLARLY MEDICAL RESEARCH and feedback from REAL-WORLD TESTS.
- I will show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
- All of your questions will be answered. If you ever get stuck or need clarification, you can always email my team at [email protected].
- You will know EXACTLY how many repetitions to do. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each exercise with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each exercise correctly. Nothing will be left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out perfectly and clearly for you.
- And much more…
If you’re one of the first 50 people to try it out,
you’ll get Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
for just one payment of $10
I underlined the words ‘try it out’ above because this program comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you don’t get the results you want, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.
I usually charge $57 for a video program like this.
But, because Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio is a brand-new program and this is its first run, I’m offering it for just $10, to the first 50 people who order.
I’m doing this so I can get this first version into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback so I can keep improving the program.
After the first 50 people order, the price for Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio goes back up to $57.
Click the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button below
to get the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program, AND THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES, all for
just one payment of $10
(Regular price = $57)
(Only the first 50 people who order get the 3 bonuses and the discounted price of $10)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program
AND THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES, all for just one payment of $10
(Regular price is $57)
What exactly do you get in the
Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program?
We made this program short and sweet…
...because we want you to get the same great results our clients have been getting, as soon as possible.
The best part is each exercise session you’ll do on any given day will take less than 7 minutes to complete.
In this program, you’re going to get only what you need to incorporate this easy, but powerful routine into your life, so you can get the multitude of benefits as quickly as possible.
Here’s what’s you get in this program:
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions, and training tools
Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio is a simple 3-stage exercise program of gentle, yet highly-effective stretches and exercises designed to strengthen your heart, protect you from heart disease and stroke, increase your fitness, endurance and stamina, help you lose weight, increase your energy, and more, all in under 7 minutes a day.
Why does this exercise program have 3 stages?
First… don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 (Getting Started) sequence, which will take less than 7 minutes each day, you should start seeing some good results and feeling stronger and better within 7 days. And Stage 2 (Healthy Workout) and Stage 3 (Invincible Workout) are there to help you progress gradually, if you choose to, at the pace that’s perfect for you.
The 3 stages progress from very easy (Getting Started) to more challenging (Invincible Workout). This 3-stage structure makes it so that virtually any person can do this program, even those who have never exercised a day in their life. The 3 stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you can get the results you want as quickly as possible.
Why many injury and exercise video programs WON’T ACTUALLY HELP YOU...
Our most important goal in creating this video exercise program was to make sure your experience with it is as close as possible to you having personal, face-to-face sessions with us.
This is because, in order to get the best possible results, in the shortest period of time, it is critical that you learn to do these stretches and movements the right way, in the right sequence, with the right amount of intensity, and for the right length of time.
Most video exercise programs leave these kinds of details out, and this leaves you unsure about exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it. This causes confusion, and might leave you discouraged, and you may decide not to continue with the program, which means you’ll definitely not get the results you want.
Our goal was to make these videos as close as possible to real, face-to-face training and coaching sessions with us, so you get the results you want, as quickly as possible.
That’s why my team and I have worked hard to create a comprehensive package of videos, manuals, guides and tracking sheets for each of the 3 progressive stages in this program, so you will have absolutely everything you need to learn this system properly, ON YOUR OWN, IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME… you can do it consistently, which is the only way to make your heart and cardiovascular system stronger and healthier, lose weight, increase your energy, and feel better more of the time!
For each of the 3 stages of this exercise program, you get:
- 3 Instructional Videos
- 3 Comprehensive Manuals
- 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- 1 Progress Tracking Sheet
Here’s what each of those components are:
In each of the 3 stages, you get 3 instructional videos that teach you all the exercises and coach you on exactly how to do them. These videos are your virtual personal training and coaching sessions with us. In the videos, we will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
In each of the 3 stages, you also get comprehensive manuals. These handy PDF guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
- Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
Once you start learning the program, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the manuals every time. That’s exactly what these Exercise Quick Reference Guides are for.
You get an Exercise Quick Reference Guide for each of the 3 stages in this program, so you’ll have a quick and easy way to find, learn, and do all of the exercises in each stage. In each Exercise Quick Reference Guide, you get a start and end photo for every stretch and exercise, a quick summary of the stretch or exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.
Peter Drucker said: “What gets measured, gets improved.” In my 25+ years as a Kinesiologist and pain and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs typically get better and faster results than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the stretches and exercises!
You get a Progress Tracking Sheet for each of the 3 stages in this program. All you have to do is check off the exercises you do each day. It takes only a few seconds, but provides massive benefits!
AND... if you’re one of the first 50 people
to test-drive the Cardio For Those Who
Hate Cardio program, you’re also going to
get these 3 SPECIAL BONUSES:
If you’re one of the first 50 people to test-drive Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio, you’re going to get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to my Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group.
In this group, you can get all of your questions answered by my team of health and fitness experts. You’ll also get support, accountability and inspiration that isn’t always available in your own life. Support, accountability and inspiration are critical to ensuring that you follow through on the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program, so you can make your heart healthy again, get fit, increase your strength, endurance and stamina, lose weight, increase your energy, and more, so you can feel better every day and stop worrying about your health!
For many of my customers, this coaching group is the missing piece that finally helps them achieve their health and fitness goals.
We are always adding new material to this program in order to help you get better results.
You will get FREE access to all updates for life!
Flatten Your Belly, Lose Weight & Improve Your Heart Health WHILE Enjoying DELICIOUS Meals That You Love!
It’s not just being overweight that increases your risk for heart disease, heart attacks and strokes… it’s also where your extra weight is located on your body.
When you have a lot of extra weight in your belly, you’re at increased risk for all the bad stuff related to your heart. This quote is from
“‘A thicker waistline increases heart attack risk,’ says Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of the New York University Langone Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health. Stomach fat is linked to high blood sugar, increased blood pressure, and raised levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood. ‘All of these are major risk factors for heart disease,’ Goldberg says.”
In other words, if we can slim down our belly, we can lower our risk for heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.
But, it’s tough to lose weight when you think you have to eat that “health food” that tastes like cardboard, and those bland, tasteless meals that leave you unsatisfied.
If you’re one of the first 50 people to test-drive my Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program, you’ll get a free copy of 14 Filling Meals That Flatten Your Belly. It’s 14 super-delicious, anti-inflammatory recipes for a healthy heart and a flat tummy. (This special heart-healthy cookbook normally retails for $29, but you’re going to get it FREE!)
This is the formula we used when we created this cookbook: HEALTHY + EASY + DELICIOUS = Healthy, Happy People!
- HEALTHY: Our team of nutritionists, chefs, and recipe writers examined numerous medical studies in the creation of these recipes to make sure they are all heart-healthy!
- EASY: These recipes are easy-to-follow and easy-to-make for regular people—you don’t need to be a chef or even good at cooking!
- DELICIOUS: The best part is how delicious AND FILLING these recipes are. Once you sample these tasty dishes, you will never again subscribe to this healthy eating myth: “Healthy food just tastes bad and doesn’t fill me up.”
14 Filling Meals That Flatten Your Belly contains professionally-crafted meals designed to…
- Regulate your blood pressure to eliminate dangerous spikes and falls
- Decrease your risk for cardiovascular and heart diseases
- Improve your diet and promote/encourage overall heart health
- Increase your sustainable energy (without any sugar crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases from forming due to inflammation
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Help you lose weight (without eating diet food!)
- And more...
This special heart-healthy cookbook normally retails for $29!
But you’ll get it FREE, if you’re one of the first 50 people to try my Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program.
Don’t BUY… TRY!
Try the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
Workout program RISK-FREE for 60 days!
This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive this whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!
If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... all you have to do is contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase by contacting [email protected], or calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will immediately issue you a full refund.
Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. This program is based on real scientific studies and research. It includes exercises, movements, and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and use it with peace-of-mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can make your heart and cardiovascular system healthy again, get stronger, get fit, lose weight, increase your energy, and more, so you can feel better every day and stop worrying about your health. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether this is going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting the results you want.
So, don’t buy the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program…
TRY IT OUT FIRST, for a full 60 days…
And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it!
TRY the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
program… for 60 days, with no risk.
If you’re one of the first 50 people
to test-drive it, you’ll get everything for just
one payment of $10 (regular price = $57)
AND you’ll get the 3 special bonuses!
Just click the yellow button below to get started:
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program
AND THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES, all for just one payment of $10
(Regular price is $57)
Who created the Cardio For Those
Who Hate Cardio program?
Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering comes from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.
Here are a few relevant facts about me:
- I’ve been a Kinesiologist, pain and injury, and health and fitness specialist since 1994 (25+ years).
- I spent 6 years at university studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise, and got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
- I have 25+ years of hands-on experience, working directly with clients and teaching my techniques and programs to fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers.
- I have conducted thousands of personal training sessions.
- I have reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
- I’m also an author and speaker, and I’ve given over 260 presentations to more than 5,000 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.
- These are some of the major publications my work has been featured in:
I’m all about finding what works… and unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there, even from trained professionals and reputable sources… does not work!
Some of the most effective methods I’ve discovered for eliminating pain, healing injuries and improving health are counterintuitive - they required diligent research, testing, and creativity to discover.
People get the best results when they follow a program that’s been properly designed. The best programs include only the exercises that are necessary, instructions on how to perform them properly, the proper order in which to perform them, and instructions on what the right amount of rest is, and when to take it. Not doing all the steps, or performing them in the wrong order, or taking too little rest, or too much, can throw you off course, and sometimes even make things worse.
But, do my exercise programs really work?
Here’s proof from more people who have
eliminated their pain, improved their health, and changed their lives using my programs:
Lynn Christinson Mitchell, Wayzata, MN
“I have spent 2 years in terrible pain. I’ve been through MRIs with the diagnosis of inflammation in my hip flexors on both sides. I go to a chiropractor 2x a month. No help in 2 years. I’ve cried just trying to go up stairs or walk. Sleep was difficult because I tossed and turned because the pain would wake me up. I’m a very active person so it’s been emotionally hard on me as well.
Then, I received the Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVD two days ago and I can move freely! The pain is nonexistent! I cannot thank you enough. I just ordered another DVD for pain. I’m only 47 and I don’t need to feel like I’m 90. Thanks again.”
Marco Mura, Professional Forester, Sardegna, Italy
“Thank you Rick, you saved my career!”
Jim Tallman, Industrial Training Consultant, Langley, BC
“I’ve had a problem with the fascia in my left glute/thigh for over three years. It got to where I could hardly go up stairs, and would wake up two or three times each night from the pain/discomfort. I tried yoga, two different physiotherapists, a prescription topical cream from my doctor, foam rolling, massage and 222’s. None of these were very effective.
I started doing the exercises in the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program three or four months ago, and the problem has gone away. I can walk up stairs with no problem and don’t wake up in the night from the pain. I do the exercises every day without fail and the pain is gone and most of the stiffness as well. Your program is the only one that has worked.”
Connie Curtis Claire , Dunellon, FL
“The last 3 years have been really rough. Lots of sitting in the hospital with my husband then I had my foot fused in 5 places. Long story short. I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program last month. I did the exercises and had an immediate change! Stronger, more fluid movement, not sore at all!
Before it was so painful for me to start walking, felt disjointed or something. NOW MY BODY MOVES AGAIN! This is a major game changer for me. Thank you.”
Dave Elder, CFT, Infinite Fitness, Ft. Wayne, IN
“I have suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for over a year with no relief no matter what I tried. One week into your program and I’m able to do exercises that I have been unable to perform for some time now. Thanks for providing this course. The relief I already feel is worth the money spent on it.”
Doreen R Neely, Springfield, TN
“In less than a week, I am pain-free and back to running without having to modify my training to ‘protect’ myself. God bless!!”
How Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
gives YOU all the control...
I specifically chose to make this a downloadable video program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you like.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and they will be available to you forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone can help make your heart and cardiovascular system healthy again, help you get stronger, get fit, lose weight, increase your energy, and more, so you can feel better every day and stop worrying about your health.
Here’s everything you get for $57 $10:
INTRODUCTION VIDEOA quick overview of the program, how to select and purchase the right stability ball for you, and a recommended path to follow in the program. |
($7 value) |
($67 value) |
($67 value) |
($67 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #1: FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN MY VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #2: FREE LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #3: 14 FILLING MEALS THAT FLATTEN YOUR BELLY COOKBOOKWith these 14 easy-to-make recipes, you can flatten your belly, lose weight and improve your heart health, WHILE enjoying delicious meals that you love! |
($29 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (9 videos, 16 PDFs) |
$331.00 |
$57.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 50 people to order!) |
$10.00 |
(*REMEMBER... don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 sequence, which will take less than 7 minutes each day, you should start seeing some good results and feeling stronger and better within 7 days. And Stage 2 and Stage 3 are there to help you progress gradually, if you choose to, at the pace that’s perfect for you.)
Click the yellow button below
to test-drive the
Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program with NO RISK, for 60 Days for
just one payment of $10
(Regular price = $57)
(Only the first 50 people who order get the 3 bonuses and the discounted price of $10)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program
AND THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES, all for just one payment of $10
(Regular price is $57)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How long does it take each day to do the exercises in this program?
Each sequence in this program is designed to take less than 7 minutes to complete each day. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re learning them, but you’ll have it down to under 7 minutes in no time because these movements are very easy to learn.
Q: How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience new and positive results within a few weeks, and some within the first 7 days!
Q: Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?
No, you do not need a gym membership. You only need your body, a floor, and a few inexpensive items like dumbbells that you can easily purchase online or at a sporting goods store. Even if you do not have this equipment, you can still do the program and get great results using other alternatives that you can readily find at home. In the program, we’ll go through all of this in more detail.
Q: Who is this program suitable for? Is it safe?
Pretty much everyone. Most movements and exercises in this program are so easy and gentle that virtually anyone can do them—even people who have chronic pain, and even people who have never exercised a day in their life. The only exception is the third stage of this program which is more advanced, and we only recommend it if you have completed Stages 1 and 2 and you feel you are ready. It’s important to note that you can skip the third stage of this program entirely and still get terrific results doing just Stage 1 and 2.
Q: Can I use this program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of injury or surgery you’ve had and how you’ve recovered from them. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Q: Are these movements difficult to perform?
Most of the movements and exercises in this program are very easy to perform. They are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. The only exception is the third stage of this program which is more advanced, and we only recommend it if you have completed Stages 1 and 2 and you feel you are ready. It’s important to note that you can skip the third stage of this program entirely and still get terrific results doing just Stage 1 and 2.
Q: How long does it take to get my DVDs?
There are no DVDs—we won’t be sending you anything in the mail. This is a digital video product, which means you can access everything online at our secure download web page. You get access to this download web page and everything in the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program immediately after you order. You can immediately download everything onto your computer and get started right away. No waiting for anything in the mail.
Q: Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?
No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and re-visit any aspects of the videos anytime.
Q: Can I burn the videos onto a DVD?
Yes, you can. You can download the videos to your computer and then burn them to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the videos on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Q: Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?
Absolutely! The videos are in a M4V format that you can be viewed from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Q: What if Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio doesn’t work for me?
The chances are very good that it will work for you, but just so you feel totally comfortable… if you decide, for any reason, or no reason at all, that you would rather get your money back, my team will make sure you get a full refund, as long as you request it within 60 days of your date of purchase.
FACT: Most people who buy exercise programs like this never actually do them on a consistent basis!
Here’s why this program is going to be different,
and why you’ll actually do it on a consistent basis...
Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?
Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:
“I don’t have enough time to go to the gym. I don’t want to join a gym.” “I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”
No problem. You don’t have to join a gym, or buy any expensive equipment to do the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program. All you need is your body, a floor, and a few inexpensive items that you can easily purchase online or at a sporting goods store. Even these items are not required—you can still do the program and get great results without them. In the program, we’ll go through all of this in more detail.
“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
No problem. This program was designed so you could complete it in under 7 minutes every day. This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any expensive equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!
“I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”
Perfect. This program is low-impact, so it’s safe for virtually everyone, even people with chronic pain, even people who have never exercised a day in their life.
“I don’t want to do crazy, intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”
Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why this program is designed not to exhaust you, but give you a good workout that gets results, without making you want to take a nap one hour later.
Who is the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio
program for? And who is it NOT for?
You can do this program if you’re 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76 or older.
You can do this program if you’ve never exercised a day in your life.
You can do this program if you’re out of shape.
You can do this program if your body doesn’t feel flexible.
You can do this program if you have a very busy schedule—each exercise session takes under 7 minutes to complete.
You can do this program if you have irregular working hours or an unusual job—these simple and easy movements can be done before work or after work.
You can do this program if you hate working out and exercising, because these easy, gentle stretches aren’t really even a workout. You’ll never even break a sweat doing this program.
The only person this program is NOT for, is someone looking for an instant fix. There is no such thing as an instant fix for making your heart and cardiovascular system healthy, increasing your strength, stamina and endurance, getting fit, etc. This program takes some work on your part and takes some time to get the results you want, but the good news is: it doesn’t take very long.
Why this program might
NOT work for you
Because nothing works for everyone.
That’s just life.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $10 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and less than 7 minutes a day… see if this program could help make your heart and cardiovascular system healthy again, help you get stronger, get fit, lose weight, and increase your energy, so you can go back to really enjoying your life with the ones you love?
Like I said, nothing works for everyone...
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if you ACTUALLY did start looking and feeling much better, just one or two weeks from now?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...
...especially since you have no risk?
Be one of the first 50 people to TEST-DRIVE the brand new Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program and you’ll get it for
just one payment of $10
AND you’ll get the 3 special bonuses.
(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.)
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to get the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program
AND THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES, all for just one payment of $10
(Regular price is $57)
No thanks. I’ll pass on this amazing discount and the rare chance to learn the Cardio For Those That Hate Cardio…. and I realize I’ll NEVER have this opportunity again to transform my body and life for the better. I prefer to live with regrets.