URGENT HEALTH ALERT FROM THE DESK OF RICK KASELJ: “Harvard University, the Mayo Clinic & University of Florida ALL confirm the REAL root of excess fat is NOT what you’ve been told by your doctor, dietician, or Big Pharma... it’s caused by “Beta-T”, the dirty molecule revealed below… but there’s GREAT news - I’ve just perfected a new routine to scientifically destroy this molecule for easy, safe, at-home fat loss.”
These “Yoga-Flex” Stretches Are
Clinically PROVEN to Trim 28 Lbs.
Of Unsightly Fat in Just 14 Days
This gentle, yet effective 10 movement sequence:
- Activates a metabolic “night switch” to burn fat ALL NIGHT LONG (takes 3 minutes to ‘flip’ ON)
- Melts away flab using this simple breathing routine & even works in bed…
- Scroll below to claim your FREE $27 Book today (limited supplies)
Dear Reader,
I woke up drenched in sweat – her shrieks still ringing in my ears.
Panicked at 3am, this was the second week of the nightmare coming back to haunt me.
That’s how long it had been since my friend Jackie’s catastrophic afternoon.
A terrifying day on the ski slope & a near-
death ski accident shook me to the core…
but also led me to discover a remarkable
Harvard fat-loss secret that could let you
trim "up to 2 pounds of fat per day" — read
on for the full details.
It was a horribly dark day, but it came just before the DAWN of a weight-loss discovery that will forever change the way you think about fat.
I know this sounds strange, and I promise this isn’t a woo-woo yoga routine…
But you have to trust me that it’ll all make sense in a short moment.
Do that, and you will witness EXACTLY how to melt away dozens of pounds of fat within 2 weeks.
Gently… safely… and without dangerous crash diets, high-impact cardio, or pills...
But first, I must share the story that brought me here today.
How a near-death accident in the Canadian
wilderness led me to uncover a hidden molecule
that sabotages your effort to lose fat
Now, I should warn you — this story is extremely graphic.
It’s a hard one to tell...
But my job is to bring you the most effective, low impact fat-loss secrets…
That you won’t hear from mainstream health resources, or your doctor — so the truth is — I absolutely MUST tell it.
A sunny day on the slopes & a fluke accident
would forever change her life
I was skiing in Fernie, British Columbia with my friend, Jackie, and her husband, Ron.
The sun drenched the huge limestone walls…
Sunny views filled our vision like a glass of morning orange juice…
But little did Jackie know, a screw in her ski binding had turned loose that morning.
On the next run - moving at a steady clip - her ski popped off her right foot.
As she hurled towards a tree – I watched in horror. She couldn’t slow down.
It was like I watched it in slow motion...
My stomach lurching, until her leg smashed the tree with a horrifying THUD.
Before I could do anything to help...
Jackie’s leg slammed into the tree...
she unleashed a blood-curdling scream,
then she slipped unconscious
I called ski patrol, my voice trembling.
I could see her leg twisted at an angle that still makes me nauseous to this day.
The doctor said she was lucky to be alive. (Had it been her head against a tree, this would be a much sadder story…)
She survived. And has since made a full recovery.
Now here’s the REAL reason I’m telling this story… over the following weeks I visited Jackie & Ron — only to witness a slower horror.
Laid up in a full-leg cast, stuck in bed, the inevitable unfolded…
- Her cheeks started filling out, turning redder & more swollen…
- Her gut began stretching out of her gown – inflating it like a balloon...
- She looked years older — her energy sapped like a wilted flower...
As you could expect, her health was in shambles.
Ashamed at her body & at the glances
she’d catch from her husband
(She swore he was disgusted...
but of course he wouldn’t admit it)
When her leg finally healed up – the pattern continued.
She’d piled on 60 excess pounds of fat… and I’d never seen her look worse, mentally or physically.
She could barely hobble out of bed...
Her overeating was out of control...
Worst of all, she was an anxious bundle of nerves & stress…
How would she help support the family? Who would take care of the dog? How much were these medical bills going to cost?
These thoughts haunted her.
But now, looking back — I can see IT WASN’T HER FAULT.
(And if you’ve struggled to lose weight — I’ll show you the clinical evidence proving why it’s not your fault, either.)
I don’t tell you this to “fat shame” my friend or poke fun at her expense. I tell it because watching Jackie’s weight explode led me to discover:
Increased stress was triggering a
molecule in her body called ‘Beta-T ’-- that
made her metabolism go haywire(1)
Before I read this Harvard University study, I’d never heard of it.
Yet researchers at the esteemed Ivy League made a recent & remarkable discovery...
A deeply-hidden molecule in the human body called ‘Beta-T’.
“Beta-T set the scientific world abuzz… [with] a Harvard University study”
— Science Daily
Jackie was down, but she wasn’t out — neither are YOU. In fact, your stress is likely triggering a dirty little molecule called ‘Beta-T’...which is now known to be the reason for fat gain...but the simple stretches below are clinically-proven to shut ‘Beta-T’ OFF so you can trim excess fat.
It lurks inside you on a cellular level, and makes it virtually impossible for you to lose fat.
Maybe you’ve tried losing weight before… you’ve probably even managed to drop a couple pounds…
But if the weight always seems to pile back on — THIS could be the culprit.
Until recently — there was no known way to shut off this molecule.
Without this discovery… and without me turning the science into a stretching routine that burns "up to 28 lbs. in 14 days"...
God only knows what sorry fate my friend Jackie would’ve endured.
And the thousands of readers like you who wouldn’t have received this life-changing information.
People have achieved tremendous results using moves like the ones I reveal today.
Michelle Brakke from Louisville, KY says:
“I absolutely LOVE this… to date have lost over 30 pounds and 12 inches off my waist.”
Laurie Houghton from Palm Springs, CA says:
“I was highly doubtful that this workout would be substantial for weight loss but figured I'd give it a try. After 2 weeks of doing it regularly, I've lost 10 pounds and feel my posture has improved greatly.”
Tracie Weil from Detroit, MI says:
“I am down 35 pounds and feel the strongest I have ever felt in my life. This video changed my life and my feeling on in home workouts.”
Before I reveal this simple routine below — it’s important to note that not only Harvard confirmed this science.
No, it was a resounding consensus among weight loss scientists that ‘Beta-T’ is the true cause of fat…
The world’s leading weight-loss scientists agree:
this ‘Beta-T’ molecule is the REAL cause
of unsightly fat
In a rare historical event — a vanguard moment for weight loss science…
The world’s leading authorities came together:
- The American Psychological Association stepped up to approve of the science(3)
- As did Britain’s #1 medical institution — the University of Liverpool(4)
- The prestigious Mayo Clinic(5) — the U.S. medical center that employs 4,500 physicians & provides over 1 million people per year with care
- University of Florida’s Dr. L. Yang agreed, saying: “[Beta-T] reduces the body’s ability to break down fat.”(2)
If you’re interested in the science, I’ll give you the full details below.
On the other hand, if you just want to begin trimming pounds of fat... effortlessly... and look years younger in the process...
Then this will be the most thrilling presentation you read ALL YEAR.
Today, you’ll discover an unbelievably easy set of stretches that biologically DESTROYS this dirty molecule so you shed layers of excess fat
You’ll see how these easy, low-impact stretches…
(I call them “Yoga-Flex” stretches...)
WIPE OUT the Beta-T molecule from your body – so you can literally burn dozens of pounds of fat.
- It’s designed in a way to banish stress — so you look & feel years younger
- It doesn’t require ANY equipment, trainers or a gym membership
- You can perform this series of stretches in as little as 3 minutes a day without breaking a sweat.
(It works from a chair, the shower, or in bed if you prefer.)
I hear you: All these sound maybe a bit TOO remarkable… like it’s too good to be true.
But I assure you with every ounce of my being – this is NOT hype.
You’ve seen some of the simple science that proves it.
But this might be better — since they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Meet some of the real people
getting real slimming results with
today’s “Yoga-Flex” breakthrough
It was almost surreal to witness the life-changing results these stretches were having on people…
That’s why hundreds of satisfied people are writing in. And why people like Sherry Van Dyke from Carbondale, CO are achieving incredible results using moves like what you’ll discover today:
Sherry Van Dyke from Carbondale, CO says:
“When I started doing [this program] I was almost 330 pounds. I had sleep apnea and high blood pressure. I've lost almost 80 pounds.”
Don Ogilvy from Lafayette, IN says:
“This is about fitness, flexibility and health through proper technique and breathing. I have lost weight, gained flexibility and improved my blood pressure with this program.”
Susanna Halbert from Valdez, AK says:
“Already lost several pounds and much more flexible. Love it and ordered one for my niece.”
Rebecca Risch from Wichita, KS says:
“I have lost 21 pounds and am still losing. What is amazing is that I feel fresh after every episode of this. The days I don't do it I miss it. This has helped me shape my body.”
Can you imagine waking up with 20… 30… even 40 pounds of fat GONE from your tummy, waist & face?
Almost floating out of bed in a body you hardly recognize. Light as in your teens. Less pressure on your joints, so you walk, run & dance much easier.
You blush when you look in the mirror. How could you not? When a sexy, toned, confident person looks back at you... so slim you hardly recognize yourself.
It’s all possible with what I’d like to show you today.
Even better, it’s clinically proven to slim fat from your hips, your middle, and your face — so you look & feel years younger.
Yet, one of the most incredible parts of this system — is what happens after dark.
(Don’t worry, it’s not scary — it’s quite the opposite.)
These yoga-flex stretches flip a metabolic
“night switch” – so just like a furnace ‘pilot light’ –
you’ll slim while you sleep!
Crazy, I know. But 100% true.
I could hardly believe it myself.
But after this research was released, the fitness researchers at Shape Magazine confirmed it:
“[Yoga-flex] moves will keep your metabolism firing long after lights out.”
— Shape Magazine
The moves activate an “afterburn effect” – so you burn fat long into the night.(8)
The well-respected nutrition magazine Eat This, Not That! fully agrees, writing:
“[Yoga-flex is] a win-win for your metabolism”
— Eat This, Not That!
It’s nothing short of a modern miracle – and it was a God-send for my friend who suffered the horrific ski crash.
Jackie’s broken leg made her a couch potato…
So these moves HAD to work while she was seated
Knowing the clinically proven science… plus my nearly three decades working hands-on with my clients…
I engineered these stretches to be dangerously effective — from a SEATED POSITION.
Originally, I made this program specifically for Jackie... because she needed something that worked sitting down.
(That’s why some of these moves are literally so simple… all you do is move your head down 7 inches. For others, breathe in one specific way.)
Even better, you can perform these stretches in bed, right before you nod off to sleep...
And burn fat ALL NIGHT LONG.
This is how Jackie was able to go from 60 lbs. overweight… depressed… mentally & physically BROKEN from her crash…
To a strong, healthy, trim woman in her 50’s — who looked a full 10 YEARS YOUNGER than her age.
Because that’s the thing, do these simple moves, and:
Not only will you look beautifully trim…
You’ll also look & feel 10 years younger
Look, I don’t care if you’re 48, 68, or 98 — you can do these stretches to burn fat...
Just like the many people whose stories you learned about on this web page.
Because remember: these stretches are clinically-proven to kill your ‘Beta-T’ molecule at the source — Harvard University, University of Florida and The Mayo Clinic confirm it.(6)
You can get started with as little as 3 minutes a day.
I don’t want anything standing in the way of you achieving results like David R. from Speedway, IN:
“Helped Me Drop My Blood Pressure by 40 Points!”
“I have been retired since December 2011. I have been trying to get in shape. Blood pressure was 160/100 – it is now 110/70 without meds! Rick is helping me reach the goals I have for my age…It’s a great way to get a stronger core.”
Introducing The 100% Virtual Program:
Stretching to Increase Metabolism
If you want to lose weight with a safe, clinically-proven method — this was built for you.
We’re very proud to announce the most effective fat-burning video program ever released at Exercises for Injuries.
Almost every day, I get an email along the lines of:
“Rick, I’m getting great results from your pain-relief programs & feel good enough to start moving my body to lose weight. But all the programs I try are too intense & hard on my joints.”
It’s true. Many programs can damage your joints, make you try dangerous moves, or worse...(7)
(PLEASE NOTE: It costs nothing to review details here, & you’ll still have time to review your order if the 200 slots aren’t yet filled)
That’s why — inside your copy of Stretching to Increase Metabolism — you’ll find a PERFECT level of difficulty for your personal fitness level.
3 Different Stages for Any
Level of Fitness
No matter which level you start at, you WILL burn fat throughout the day with an increased metabolism.
Inside each video stage, you’ll get 10 simple moves. Many take just 10 seconds to complete.
Stage #1: Sitting Routine (Difficulty: Very Easy)
Inside you’ll discover 10 gentle stretching moves specifically designed to slim your legs, hips, arms, face & glutes — all from the comfort of a chair in your home.
Stage #2: Floor Routine (Difficulty: Easy)
10 more “Yoga-Flex” stretches you can do from your living room floor, in front of the TV, even in bed. Slightly more challenging than the 1st stage, but with enhanced metabolic effects so you burn even more fat.
Stage #3: Standing Routine (Difficulty: Moderate)
You won’t compromise your joints, but you will get the maximum fat-burning benefits of Stretching to Increase Metabolism so you can slim your WHOLE body while you look & feel younger than you have in years, if not decades.
PLUS, you’ll get a follow-along PDF Written Manual
This way you can perform your quick stretch routines even if you don’t have the videos in front of you.
This guide is great to review on-the-go. Print it out. Bring it anywhere. Do most of the exercises from any location.
Are you ready to get started?
Before you do, there’s one more thing I’d like to share with you.
Your Special FREE GIFT:
“14 Ways to Lose Weight From Home,
Without Breaking a Sweat”
($27 Value — Yours FREE)
It took my team months to research & assemble the little-known information inside this $27 e-Book - but today, it's yours, completely FREE.
Consider it a "thank you" for trying out Stretching to Increase Metabolism.
Inside, you'll uncover 14 little "tricks" to losing weight around the house, such as:
- Press this refrigerator switch to boost your metabolism 30% (See #6)
- The hilarious way to burn 100 calories… by clicking your computer mouse (See #5)
- Melt 958 calories AND finish the chores at the same time? This proven study shows you how (See #7)
- Switch these 2 house devices ‘OFF’ while you eat to reduce your eating by nearly 70% (See #14)
You’ll laugh at how simple they are...
And how they’ve been right under your nose (or your kitchen sink) for years!
Imagine the astonished look on your friends faces as they pull you aside…
Lower their voice, and say: “What’s your secret? You look slimmer than ever!.”
(PLEASE NOTE: It costs nothing to review details here, & you’ll still have time to review your order if the 200 slots aren’t yet filled)
Today’s special offer truly is...
The ONLY Clinically-Proven Way to
Trim "Up To 28 lbs. In 14 Days"
So many of my readers think losing fat without a “drill-sergeant” work ethic is impossible.
But after trying this program... and witnessing the results with their own eyes…
Many are raving about how EASY it is…
To lose weight fast, using moves like today’s “Yoga-Flex” stretches.
Michelle Hannan from Boulder, UT says:
“I lost a few pounds a week. I only do one level a day and I enjoy it.”
Veronica Weinrich from El Paso, TX says:
“Helped me lose over 30 pounds.”
I’ve been helping people transform their health for over 25 years now.
That’s why my clients pay me over $300 per hour without batting an eye.
I don’t say this to brag, but to illustrate just how much of a bargain today’s program is.
It took months of research… brainstorming… and testing...
To assemble today’s transformational program, Stretching to Increase Metabolism.
The full value of this video program is $97 at a bare minimum. But you won’t pay anywhere near that today.
See, I made a promise to my friend Jackie.
That if this simple system worked for her — and it did — that I’d do everything I could to get it into the hands of my readers…
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce, if you act today...
You Get This Revolutionary Stretching
System For Just $97 $14!
Again, I could easily charge $97 for this remarkable product.
But my REAL goal is to get the word out to as many of my readers as possible.
That’s why I dropped the price to JUST $14 for a limited time.
So please, if you or a loved one could benefit from losing "up to 28 lbs. in 14 days", share this page with them.
This price is almost silly...so I can’t guarantee it will stay this low for long.
Remember, as always, you are 100% protected by my:
60-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Love It & Trim Fat… Or Pay Nothing!
I’ll be honest, my wife and even some of my friends think I’ll get taken advantage of.
I disagree.
Why? Because if you don’t love this video program… you should NOT have to pay for it.
I’m not kidding.
If you get your copy of Stretching to Increase Metabolism , and use it for 60 days. ..
You absolutely MUST experience a reduction of excess fat & a feeling of increased youth.
If you don’t start experiencing a loss in weight, inches, and unsightly fat around your middle… you don’t deserve to spend a penny.
You’ll also get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive and super-valuable Lifelong Wellness Academy to make sure you are successful with the Stretching to Increase Metabolism program.
LIFELONG WELLNESS ACADEMY is a unique program, specifically designed for people over 40, and specifically designed to make it EASY for you to CONSISTENTLY do the things that will help you get healthy, get strong, get fit, feel great every day, and create lifelong wellness... without sacrificing your enjoyment of life.
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel anytime by emailing us at [email protected], or by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
By this point, it’s a complete no-brainer… you get enough fat-obliterating content to last you a LIFETIME…
While looking & feeling younger than you have in decades. Yet, I’d like to offer you one more thing to sweeten the deal.
Advanced Fat-Burning Flow
($7 Value — Yours FREE)
Listen, with the first 3 stages — you have EVERYTHING you need to burn “up to 2 lbs of fat per day” over the coming weeks…
However, if you consider yourself among the 1% of people who wants to maximize your results to the peak level — these 10 advanced stretches are for you.
Consider it a way to leave nothing on the table, and achieve the very best YOU.
A $7 value… it’s yours FREE if you act today.
14 Filling Meals That Flatten Your Belly ($24 Value - FREE)
What if you could take your extraordinary results from Stretching to Increase Metabolism -- and then SLIM DOWN further with fat-burning versions of your favorite meals?
Now you can.
Inside this exclusive bonus, you’ll discover how we’ve made it easy to FEAST your way to a tighter tummy.
Take a peek at a few of the recipes:
➔ Recipe #6: Guacamole Pesto Grilled Pork
(page 13)
➔ Recipe #13: Sweet & Sour Pork with Basmati Rice and Veggies
(page 20)
➔ Recipe #4: Green Pepper Sauce Beef with Sesame Peas
(page 11)
➔ Recipe #11: Hearty Turkey & Veggie Stew
(page 18)
You’ll get these, plus 10 more mouthwatering recipes
Picture it with me:
Scrumptious meals in minutes -- with recipes so simple, even a 7th grader could whip them up.
What’s more: each recipe is low-carb, high-protein, and bursting with every nutrient your body craves to shrink your waistline.
That means you can literally slim down AS you fill up on delectable, easy-to-make creations.
3 Minutes From Now You Can Be Trimming
POUNDS Of Unsightly Fat Off Your Tummy
(Scroll Below to Get Started — You’ll Still Have Time to Review Your Order)
To get started, just click the Buy Now button below, and you will be taken to a 100% secure, privacy-protected order form page that looks like:
You’ll receive immediate access to download these breakthrough video programs. Access them easier than a DVD, and never lose them either.
Within minutes, you’ll have a confirmation email in your inbox. It contains your link to the exercise videos and manuals, that you can watch directly or download and save in your files.
(If you ever lose it, you can just contact 24/7 support. They’ll help you immediately.)
I’ll tell you everything you need so you can start following along from home with me, repetition-by-repetition....
Even if you aren’t “tech savvy” or great with computers.
Get Instant Access & Lose "Up To 28 lbs. In 14 Days"
With Just One Payment Of $14!
(Regular Retail Price = $97)
Special Discounted Price
Get It For Just $14
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to Stretching to Increase Metabolism. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
When you order today, you'll receive instant access to the "Stretching to Increase Metabolism" and special 14-day FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel anytime by emailing us at [email protected], or by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
(You Can Review Your Order Before It's Final)
If you can commit just 3 to 10 minutes a day, a few days a week to breezing through these stretches...
I can guarantee you will lose weight.
If you don’t within 3 weeks, I will refund you.
No delays. No hassles. No nonsense at all.
- Literally minutes from now, you can start transforming your body from your living room...at zero risk to you.
- After a week, you’ll start getting second glances from an impressed spouse or another family member...
(That’s your ‘Beta-T’ molecule being demolished...which means the layers of fat clinging to your body are dissolving.)
- One month from now… you won’t stop grinning every time you look in the mirror.
And you’ll keep grinning when you see people raise their eyebrows...checking out your striking definition and attractive shape.
There really is no better feeling than knowing you are burning fat on autopilot.
I can’t wait for you to experience this transformative program. Because I know this clinically-proven method will get you there faster & safer than anything else!
I believe in you, I wish you the best, and I sincerely hope to see you inside!
(Regular Retail Price = $97)
Special Discounted Price
Get It For Just $14
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to Stretching to Increase Metabolism. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
When you order today, you'll receive instant access to the "Stretching to Increase Metabolism" and special 14-day FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel anytime by emailing us at [email protected], or by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request, no questions asked.
(You Can Review Your Order Before It's Final)
Yours in weight loss breakthroughs,
Rick Kaselj, MS
Founder, Exercises for Injuries
Rick Kaselj
P.S. I’ve been getting a lot of emails and questions inside the Facebook group about this program.
So I figured I’d answer the most common ones right here.
FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions:
“Stretching to Increase Metabolism”
Q: I’ve done yoga classes before that were hot, sweaty & difficult — is this the same thing?
Absolutely NOT. This proprietary set of stretches borrows some of the gentle, low-impact aspects of traditional yoga… but it is completely different.
It’s a specially-formulated sequence of 10-second moves, designed to shut off the ‘Beta-T’ molecule (that keeps your body from losing fat).
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
This program is suitable for anyone over 40 looking to burn fat and lose weight…but who doesn’t want all the jumping, jarring, “insane” exercises that have become popular.
Many of my clients are coming off recent injuries, or have recovered from surgery. This “Yoga-Flex” fat loss sequence minimizes impact while activating fat burning on a cellular level.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: Do the exercises take a long time to perform?
No. You will be done in 15 minutes max. And you can do them faster if you are in a schedule pinch.
These exercises are designed to be as simple as possible — so you can get on with your day and your social life.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: How long until I see results?
You should feel an uptick in energy within the first few minutes of performing these exercises.
Within one week, you may notice yourself looking slimmer in the mirror. And, your family and friends might look you up and down, trying to figure out what’s different about you.
Within a month of doing the program, you may not recognize yourself at all! Your body will gush with a new, youthful energy…and your friends will pull you aside asking what your secret is.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: What is the Lifelong Wellness Academy?
The Lifelong Wellness Academy is the last 25+ years of my life’s work, rolled into a comprehensive members’ only program.
You will get instant online access to these 4 essential health modules:
PLUS, you get hours of expert interviews, where I dive deep with some of the sharpest minds in health & wellness to uncover practical tips and tricks you can use to lose weight, sleep better, and live longer.
To sum it up, you will learn:
- How to strengthen your joints, tone your muscles and burn more calories without killing yourself
- Strangely simple exercises you can do from home
- A week-by-week system to achieve your dream body without the risk of injury
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: What if I’ve never been to the gym, is it hard to learn?
No. These are simple movements with simple instructions. There’s 4 difficulty levels to accommodate any fitness level (1- Sitting Routine, 2 – Floor Routine 3- Standing Routine , and your BONUS stage 4 – Advanced Standing Routine).
Every movement is filmed from two angles so it’s virtually impossible to get confused by the program.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: Do I need to do cardio?
No. These are low-impact, low-intensity stretches. There is no cardio involved.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: What if it doesn’t work?
REMEMBER: Your are 100% protected by my 60-Day Ironclad Guarantee.
Should you decide for ANY REASON AT ALL, I’ll refund your money back.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: Do I need a gym membership?
Absolutely not. My entire mission is to give you a turnkey at-home SYSTEM, so you can keep more money in YOUR pockets.
You can perform these gentle guided exercises in your backyard, your basement, or right in your living room.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
Q: Are these exercises safe? Or will I risk injuring myself during Stretching to Increase Metabolism?
Listen, if you try these movements on a greased floor in socks – you might tumble.
However, if you perform the exercises as shown in the step-by-step videos…you will quickly see how safe and gentle they are.
Click HERE to get started (You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5722507/ Wang H, Du L, Wu T, et al. Circulating betatrophin is associated with insulin resistance in humans: cross-sectional and interventional studies in vivo and in vitro. Oncotarget. 2017;8(57):96604–96614. Published 2017 Oct 16. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.21852
- https://news.ufl.edu/articles/2016/01/ News.ufl.edu. (2019). UF researchers uncover new details linking stress, fat metabolism. [online] Available at: https://news.ufl.edu/articles/2016/01/uf-researchers-uncover-new-details-linking-stress-fat-metabolism.html [Accessed 24 Jul. 2019].
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