There Actually Is An Easy Way
To Eat Healthy (And Get Skinny),
And You Don’t Have To Give Up Any
Of Your Favorite Foods To Do It.
On this page, I’m going to show you a much easier way to eat healthy.
In fact, it’s mostly all done for you — that’s what makes it so easy.
This system removes all the hassle, stress, difficulty, decision-making,
and planning normally associated with healthy eating. And you
won’t have to give up any of your favorite foods, either.
If you want to learn how eating healthy, delicious food can actually be
a lot simpler, a lot less time-consuming, and a lot easier, keep reading...
Do you believe you need to eat like a rabbit, and be hungry all the time, to be healthy and skinny?
Do you believe you need to give up your favorite foods to be healthy and skinny?
Do you believe that eating healthy is difficult, time-consuming, stressful, and frustrating?
We all know how important it is to eat healthy...
so, why DON’T we?
Because most of us have beliefs about healthy eating that just aren’t true.
Think about this...
If you knew, without a doubt, that you could still eat all your favorite foods...
And that you wouldn’t have to eat salads at every meal...
And that you’d never have to go hungry, restrict yourself, or deprive yourself...
And you knew that it REALLY WAS easy, fast, and convenient to prepare healthy and delicious meals for yourself and your family...
And you knew that eating healthier would lead to so many incredible benefits in your life, and in the lives of everyone in your family...
...Do you think you’d be more likely to eat healthy on a regular basis?
The thing is, all of those things you read above ARE TRUE. (And, in this article, I’m going to prove it to you!)
You see, it’s mostly our inaccurate thinking and beliefs, and the fact that we don’t know an easier way, that stand in the way of us eating better, getting healthier, and having the bodies we REALLY want!
Let’s look at one of the most prevalent FALSE BELIEFS people have about eating healthy...
“I don’t want to give up my favorite
foods and be forced to eat like a
rabbit for the rest of my life.”
You don’t have to.
You can still eat your favorite foods, AND be healthy, AND feel better, AND lose weight, AND have lots more energy throughout the day, AND avoid things like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
Chew on these interesting facts:
- Did you know that grilled steak can fight inflammation and reduce pain?
- Think saturated fats are bad for you? Science has shown us that saturated fats aren’t correlated with heart disease. It has also shown that saturated fats can help reduce chronic joint inflammation.
- Have “they” told you to stop eating oil? Nonsense! We’re going to show you 4 natural oils that taste great, and are great for you!
- Feel guilty after you eat chocolate? No more! We’re going to show you how you can eat chocolate AND be healthy!
- How about some fries with that? You can make delicious french fries that are loaded with fiber and vitamin A, and contain anti-inflammatory benefits. Mmmmm.
Yep... it’s true...
Eating steak, saturated fat, oil, chocolate, and french fries can be HEALTHY!
Welcome to Utopia.
“I don’t want to be hungry all the time.
I don’t want to restrict or deprive myself.”
You absolutely should NOT go hungry, restrict yourself, or deprive yourself.
If you do, you’re actually setting yourself up for eating WORSE, and other harmful effects.
In the 1940’s, a scientist named Ancel Keys conducted a study called The Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Keys recruited 36 young men for the study who were physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. For 3 months, these 36 men restricted themselves to just 1,600 calories a day. And the results were stunning. The study participants became obsessed with food — they dreamed and fantasized about high-calorie foods they couldn’t have. When they were fed, they endured powerful urges to overeat. The men also became irritable, anxious, and withdrawn. And, after the study, when the participants were free to eat as they chose, they ate over 4,000 calories a day, engaging in extreme overeating.
If you’ve ever been on a restrictive diet, all of that should sound familiar...
- Obsession with food
- Anxiety and/or depression
- Irritable
- Bingeing after the diet is over and regaining all the weight (and more)
This is what happens to everyone when they go on a restrictive diet!
So, making yourself hungry throughout the day, restricting, and depriving yourself will actually make you more UNHEALTHY.
Your body needs to be fed adequate amounts of food, so it doesn’t go into “starvation mode.”
The trick is how you feed it, and what you choose to feed it.
The thing that so many people don’t realize is that you can enjoy your favorite foods, and so many delicious foods, while being healthy.
So, you never need to starve yourself, deprive yourself, or restrict yourself.
“Eating healthy seems so OVERWHELMING...
finding recipes, planning, preparing,
shopping, cooking, cleaning...
I already have ZERO free time as it is.”
I agree... it is overwhelming.
First, you have to decide what your meals are going to be for the week, or at least for a few days, so you don’t have to go to the grocery store every single day.
Then, you have to figure out if those meals are actually healthy.
Then you ask yourself, “Will I enjoy these meals? Will they taste good? Will my family like this food? Will my kids actually eat it?”
Then, you have to find a recipe and see if you can actually prepare it.
Then, you have to figure out how much of it to make — 2 servings? 4 servings?
Then, you have to put all the ingredients into a shopping list... with all the other ingredients from all the other recipes.
Overwhelmed yet?
Who has time for all that?
And those are just the beginning steps!
This already seems overwhelming and stressful, doesn’t it?
A big part of why eating healthy is so overwhelming is because you have to make so many new decisions, and gather so much new information, and make so many new decisions!
I said ‘decisions’ twice in the sentence above because how we make decisions is one of the most important factors that determine whether we eat healthy or not.
To be more accurate, WHEN we make our decisions is really important...
90% of healthy eating comes down
to WHEN you make decisions
Do you know why grocery stores put all the candy and junk food right next to the checkout counters? It’s because they know about decision fatigue.
The decisions we make about what to eat are important, but not nearly as important as WHEN you make those decisions.
In behavioral psychology, there’s a concept called decision fatigue.
It means, we tend to make poorer decisions after a long session of making lots of decisions. After making lots of decisions in a row, our decision-making “muscle” gets fatigued, and we start making bad decisions.
Grocery stores know about decision fatigue. They know that most people are making lots of decisions about what to buy as they walk through the grocery store, and by the time they checkout, their decision “muscle” is fatigued, and they are much more likely to make unhealthy decisions... which is why they put the candy, soda, and junk food right next to the checkout.
An interesting study showed that judges who decide whether to approve a criminal for parole will approve a prisoner’s request for parole around 70% of the time in the morning, but at the end of the day, after making lots of decisions, these same judges approve parole requests less than 10% of the time. This is because their decision-making “muscle” has been fatigued.
Everyone gets decision fatigue — it affects all of us, on a daily basis.
It’s why most people eat worse later in the day. It’s why you see more fast food commercials on TV at night than you do during the day.
How does decision fatigue affect whether we eat healthy or not?
Most people make lots of decisions during the day, at their job, dealing with their kids, dealing with personal administrative stuff, etc. And by the time lunch or dinner rolls around, our decision-making “muscle” is fatigued, and we tend to make poorer choices about what to eat.
The BIG MISTAKE most people make is they wait until the last minute to decide what to eat at meals and they wait until they get to the grocery store to decide what food to buy...
...not knowing that in most of these situations they’ve already made a ton of decisions that day, and are probably operating under decision fatigue.
This is a BIG REASON why most people don’t eat healthy on a regular basis.
If we didn’t suffer from decision fatigue, we would be able to make better decisions more of the time.
And when we make better decisions more of the time, we will eat healthy more of the time.
Here’s how to make it EASY
to eat healthy on a regular basis
Don’t decide... pre-decide.
If we make decisions when we have decision fatigue, we will almost always make decisions that lead to unhealthy eating.
If we make decisions when we DON’T have decision fatigue, we will almost always make better decisions that lead to healthier eating.
And, if you pre-decide, you won’t be making decisions when you have decision fatigue.
Pre-decide means to decide ahead of time, or in advance of when you are actually eating or shopping, at a time when you don’t have decision fatigue.
If you do that, you’ll make better decisions, and it’ll become a lot easier to eat healthy on a regular basis.
This is a HUGE step in the right direction. If you can do this... you’re more than half way there!
But, there’s another problem...
There’s something else that’s
stopping you from eating healthy
on a consistent basis...
What is it?
It’s that eating healthy is a lot of work.
Even if you pre-decide and make decisions when you don’t have decision fatigue, there’s still a lot of decisions to make. And a lot of information to find. And a lot of recipes to find. And a lot of new things to learn.
You have to decide what you and the family are going to have for breakfast tomorrow, and lunch tomorrow, and dinner tomorrow, and breakfast the next day, and lunch the next day, and dinner the next day, and on and on and on.
Then you have to find recipes for every one of those meals that are healthy AND tasty AND doable for you to prepare.
Then you have to put together a massive shopping list with all the ingredients from all of those meals.
That’s a lot of work!
Can you see now why most people don’t eat healthy on a regular basis?
Most people just don’t have the time to do all of this.
This is like a full-time job!
Why most people don’t eat healthy
Let’s review quickly.
Most people don’t eat healthy on a regular basis because of two things:
It’s been proven that when you make decisions right after making lots of other decisions, your decision-making “muscle” gets fatigued and you tend to make poorer decisions. Without knowing it, most of us make important eating and food shopping decisions when we have decision fatigue, and this causes us to make bad choices.
The reality is, it’s a lot of work to eat healthy. You have to make a lot of decisions, you have to find lots of recipes, which all have to be healthy, delicious, and doable. You may have to buy new pots, pans, and kitchen equipment. You have to make shopping lists... on and on and on.
Here’s something to consider:
What if most of your eating decisions were ALREADY MADE FOR YOU?
And you knew that they included meals that were genuinely healthy... AND DELICIOUS?
And what if almost all the work involved with healthy eating was ALREADY DONE FOR YOU?... and you didn’t have to worry about recipes, meal ideas, meal plans, shopping lists, or any of that?
What if all of that was already DONE FOR YOU?
Introducing... EZ Meals 365
We created EZ Meals 365 for one purpose:
Make eating healthy MUCH EASIER for you.
EZ Meals 365 helps you AVOID the two biggest reasons why people don’t eat healthy on a regular basis:
- Decision fatigue
- Eating healthy is a lot of work
EZ Meals 365 makes it so that you have far fewer decisions to make in the first place, and for the ones you have left to make, it gives you a system for making those decisions easily, and when you don’t have decision fatigue.
EZ Meals 365 also does most of the work of healthy eating FOR YOU.
This is how EZ Meals 365 makes eating healthy so easy!
The great thing is, once eating healthy is easier for you...
You will do it more of the time.
And if you eat healthier more of the time...
You will be healthier, and skinnier, and more energetic, and better protected against things like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
But the funny thing is...
When you start eating healthier for a little while...
You’ll see how much better it is than eating unhealthily.
You’ll see how delicious and filling and satisfying it is.
And you’ll almost immediately see incredible changes in your body.
You’ll feel more energy throughout the day.
You WILL lose weight. (Changing the way that you eat is the FASTEST and most EFFECTIVE way to lose weight!)
You’ll FEEL BETTER every single day.
You’ll also experience mental and emotional changes. Life will seem easier. Life will seem better.
Brain fog, food coma, and lethargy will all disappear.
You will love life again, for no particular reason!
What is EZ Meals 365?
How exactly will it help me?
And what exactly do I get?
What is EZ Meals 365?
EZ Meals 365 is your healthy eating EASY BUTTON.
It’s a fully integrated system designed to make eating healthy SIMPLE and EASY, for you and your family.
EZ Meals 365 gives you a full year’s worth of healthy and delicious recipes for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.
You also get 52 weekly meal plans...
And 52 weekly shopping lists.
Here’s the quick story behind this program:
Over the years, many of my clients, customers, and students have come to me asking about nutrition, eating, meal plans, and recipes. Mostly, they all wanted an easier way to eat healthy.
Because I wasn’t able to find anything good enough to recommend to my clients, customers, and students, I decided to create something of my own. Because I specialize in injury recovery, pain elimination, exercise and fitness, and NOT NUTRITION, I hired a team of nutrition experts and master chefs to develop the recipes and meal plans for EZ Meals 365.
At the very beginning, I gave the nutrition experts and the master chefs these three goals:
- The recipes must be DELICIOUS (really delicious).
- The recipes must be EASY-TO-MAKE (for regular people, who aren’t chefs or even good cooks!)
- The recipes must be HEALTHY, and DECREASE INFLAMMATION and PROVIDE ALL THE BUILDING BLOCKS our bodies need to be healthy, vibrant, and full of energy.
I was very pleased to find out, after I started using this program myself, that my team had DEFINITELY ACHIEVED all of these goals!
How exactly will EZ Meals 365 help you?
Having these recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists already done for you, helps you AVOID the two biggest reasons why people don’t eat healthy on a regular basis:
- Decision fatigue
- Eating healthy is a lot of work
EZ Meals 365 has already made most of the decisions for you:
- You don’t need to decide which meals to eat
- You don’t need to decide which recipes to use — ours are delicious and easy to do!
- You don’t need to decide which meals you’ll eat this week, or next week, or the week after. EZ Meals 365 gives you 52 weekly meal plans — one for every week of the year.
- (Of course, if you want to mix it up and add in some of your own favorite recipes, or replace some recipes in a weekly meal plan, you can do that. EZ Meals 365 is easily customizable and very flexible.)
EZ Meals 365 has also already done most of the work for you:
- You don’t have to find any recipes — you get breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes for every single day of the year!
- You don’t have make up plans for the week and figure out ahead of time which meals you’ll eat — we’ve done all of that for you, already.
- You don’t even need to create shopping lists — those are already done too!
So, we’ve made just about all the decisions for you (and you can still customize things easily if you like).
And, we’ve done just about all the hard work for you.
All you have to do is buy the food and cook it!
And, believe it or not, that’s actually easier and faster than going out to eat at a restaurant!
We don’t normally think about it, but going out to eat eats up a lot of time, and usually involves a lot of decision making, too. For example, if you’re going out to eat, it takes time to decide with the whole family where you’re going to go. Then it takes time waiting for everyone to get ready. It takes time to drive to the restaurant. It takes time waiting for your table. It takes time to decide what you’re going to eat, and it takes time waiting for your food to arrive. It takes time waiting for your check, getting everyone back in the car, and it takes time to drive back home.
Now, with EZ Meals 365... all you have to do is go to the store, buy the food, and cook it!
And... here’s a PRO TIP: With many of our recipes, you can cook things ahead of time and store them for days or even weeks... and save leftovers, so this makes it even easier and saves you even more time!
And... as you’ll see in a section below, you and your family are going to LOVE these recipes, because they TASTE AMAZING...
What exactly do you get in the EZ Meals 365 program?
EZ Meals 365 “Quick Start Cookbook”
This will help you kick things off with a bang! In this Quick Start Cookbook, you get 25 of our favorite recipes. Pick one or two today, and start adding in the healthy, delicious goodness!
52 Weekly Healthy Eating Guides
This is the main component of the program. You get 52 Healthy Eating Guides — one for each week of the year.
Each guide has three parts: A meal plan for the week, new recipes for the week, and a comprehensive shopping list. The meal plan gives you a balanced, healthy, delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner for every day of the week (plus snack options). The new recipes are for cooking the week’s meals, and the shopping list is all you need to bring to the store to get all the food for the entire week’s meals.
The best part is: Everything is already done for you. All you need to do is take the shopping list to the store, buy the food, follow the recipes, and then enjoy with your family!
Are the EZ Meals 365 recipes healthy?
Most health problems and diseases are caused by these three things:
(1) INFLAMMATION: Most people have “The Secret Killer” living in their body (and don’t even know it)
Time Magazine called chronic inflammation “The Secret Killer” because of its links to heart attacks and other life-threatening diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer, and because chronic inflammation can go undetected for years.
But chronic inflammation can also cause body pain, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, weight gain, infections, and more.
It is estimated that millions of people have chronic inflammation and don’t even know it.
If you have chronic inflammation, which can be caused by eating too many inflammatory foods, your immune system and your body are consistently overtaxed and overworked, and constantly putting out fires and fighting toxins.
The EZ Meals 365 recipes include lots of anti-inflammatory foods, which have been shown to fight chronic inflammation, relieve you of the symptoms listed above, and protect you against serious diseases and other conditions.
(2) OVEREATING: Most people eat more calories than they need.
It’s no secret that lots of people overeat, and are eating more calories than they need on a daily basis.
Most people don’t know this, but macronutrient balance can have a big effect on whether you overeat, or even binge.
Macronutrients are just the different categories of foods that we eat — carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Nutritionists and medical experts say that if you aren’t eating a good balance of macronutrients, that you will experience cravings and urges to overeat and binge.
This is quote from
“A diet that is wildly imbalanced in macronutrients can make your appetite fluctuate, causing overeating or binge eating. For example, if you’re not getting enough of one macronutrient, your body might literally be starving on a nutritional level, regardless of how many calories you are consuming, and will “force” you to eat by making you hungry all the time in an attempt to get what it needs.”
The recipes in EZ Meals 365 were carefully selected and carefully planned (in the weekly meal plans) to balance macronutrients, so your body will be adequately fed and adequately satisfied for longer periods of time. Getting enough protein, fats, and carbohydrates has been shown to curb overeating and binge episodes. When your macronutrients are better balanced, you’ll NATURALLY and AUTOMATICALLY eat fewer calories!
(3) MALNUTRITION: Most people don’t get the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need.
This quote is from a study published in 2012 in ISRN Endocrinology, entitled The Malnutrition of Obesity: Micronutrient Deficiencies That Promote Diabetes:
“The increased availability of low-cost, high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods over the past four decades is a key component to the rise in obesity worldwide. Modern agriculture and food processing techniques lead to a relative reduction in the micronutrient content of common foods. Despite an excess of dietary calorie intake, obese individuals have relatively high rates of micronutrient deficiencies”
And, it’s not just obese people.
Most people aren’t getting enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant-rich foods in their diet, because we’re all eating too much processed food that has had many of the nutrients cooked or processed out of it. And since vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are the building blocks your body uses to repair cells, heal bones, build muscles, convert food into energy, and boost your immune system (among other things), this makes it a lot harder for your body to be healthy and vibrant.
The recipes in EZ Meals 365 include foods that are vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant-rich, and we prepare them in a way that preserves those vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so you get the building blocks your body needs, so it can make itself healthy, vibrant, and energetic again!
Here’s what’s DIFFERENT and
GREAT about EZ Meals 365:
- You don’t need to be a chef, or even a good cook to make these recipes – even beginners in the kitchen can pull off these recipes and impress family members.
- These recipes are easy to follow, written in plain English, with no complicated cooking lingo.
- Cooking these recipes at home can turn a boring old regular night into FAMILY COOKING FUN NIGHT!
- These recipes use easy-to-find ingredients, so you don’t have to go from store to store searching for hard-to-find foods.
- These recipes use relatively inexpensive ingredients so you can stay on budget, and actually save money!
- What happens if you or your family don’t like a recipe, or two recipes, or more? No problem — with EZ Meals 365, you get lots of recipes to choose from and lots of extra recipes, so you will always find PLENTY that you and your family will LOVE TO EAT! And it’s super easy to switch recipes out and mix and match as you like. This program is highly customizable and flexible.
- These recipes are SIMPLE. But that doesn’t mean they are bland or boring. They also taste great!
- These recipes are fast. We intentionally included recipes that are quick to make, so you’re not spending hours in the kitchen. We made this system so that even very busy people and parents could fit healthy, delicious meals into their already tight schedules.
- And there’s much more…
Will I like the recipes in EZ Meals 365?
Will my family like them?
(The images shown below are real photos of the recipes included in EZ Meals 365!)
Do you like granola? You’re going to love this Crunchy Granola recipe. It tastes amazing, and it’s healthy too!
Do you like chocolate mousse? You’ll love our Chocolate Chip Mousse recipe. And yes... don’t worry... it’s healthy... but it also tastes great!
We have a healthy Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie that is delicious and low in calories!
We have amazing Breakfasts...
We have tasty Lunches...
We have yummy Dinners...
We have healthy Pizza...
We have Soups and Stews...
We have mouthwatering Salads...
We even have Chocolate Cookies. (You’re going to LOVE these!)
Do you like pudding, parfait, and popsicles?
We have recipes for all those too.
And there are tons more recipes too!
So... YES — you and your family are going to LOVE these recipes... and you can feel good about the fact that they’re healthy too!
BUT... what happens if you or your family don’t like a recipe, or two recipes, or more?
No problem — with EZ Meals 365, you get tons of recipes to choose from and tons of extra recipes too, so you will always find PLENTY that you and your family will LOVE TO EAT! And it’s super easy to switch recipes out and mix and match as much as you like. This program is highly customizable and flexible.
If you’re one of the first 50 people to try it out,
you’ll get EZ Meals 365 for just one payment of $47
I underlined the words ‘try it out’ above because this program comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee, so if you don’t absolutely love it, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.
I usually charge $87 for a comprehensive program like this.
But, because EZ Meals 365 is a brand-new program and this is its first run, I’m offering it for just $47, to the first 50 people who order.
I’m doing this so I can get this first version into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback so I can keep improving the program.
BUT... after the first 50 people order, the price for EZ Meals 365 goes back up to $87, and the two bonuses (see below) will no longer be included!
AND… If you’re one of the first 50 people,
you’re also going to get these 2 special BONUSES:
My brilliant team of nutrition experts and master chefs also created two special cookbooks for me — The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Cookbook and The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbook.
If you’re one of the first 50 people to try the EZ Meals 365 program, you’ll also get these two special cookbooks as a FREE BONUS.
(I normally charge $37 for each of them — $74 for both!)
These two cookbooks were designed to:
- HELP YOUR BODY HEAL FASTER. The recipes in these cookbooks will help you decrease chronic inflammation and make sure you are giving your body all the building blocks it needs for healing - more vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidant-rich foods.
- MAKE IT MUCH EASIER TO EAT HEALTHY. The recipes in these cookbooks are easy-to-follow and easy-to-make for regular people - you don’t need to be a chef or even a good cook!
- SHOW YOU HOW DELICIOUS HEALTHY FOOD CAN BE. The best part is how delicious these recipes are… AND, you won’t have to give up ANY of your favorite foods! Once you sample these tasty dishes, you’ll never again believe this myth: “Healthy food just tastes bad!”
Oh... and by the way... the recipes in these cookbooks can also help you:
- Lose weight
- Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases from forming due to inflammation
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Counteract or even reverse the aging process
- Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Give you the best sleep of your life
Here’s what’s in each cookbook:
The Cooking for Pain-Free Living cookbook includes 101 delicious recipes (with some vegetarian and vegan options too) to help you:
- Decrease inflammation and give your body all the necessary building blocks it needs to heal injuries and pain faster, and more effectively
- Lose weight
- Increase your energy
- Sleep better
- Feel better
- Prevent disease
- And lots more…
The Cooking For Pain-Free Living cookbook includes: |
- 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes
- 6 Breakfast Recipes
- 40 Entree Recipes
- 9 Side & A La Carte Recipes
- 6 Soup & Bread Recipes
- 19 Dessert Recipes
- 21 Drink & Smoothie Recipes
- Important Insights on Nightshade Vegetables
- Nightshade allergy & intolerance symptoms
- Details on Solanine Toxicity Syndrome
- Food replacement suggestions
Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get: |
- Coconut Buttermilk Grilled Chicken
- Baked Cajun Chicken Breasts
- Grilled Greek Chicken
- Jalapeno Cilantro Chicken
- Lamb Steak with Avocado Pesto
- Pork Steaks with Sun Dried Tomato Aioli
- Guinness Beef Steak with Sweet Potato Fries
- Chipotle Grilled Salmon with Avocado Sauce
- Soy Citrus Marinated Tuna with Lemon Butter Sauce
- Heart-Shaped Crispy Gluten-Free Pizza
- Gluten-Free Irish Soup Bread
- Mung Bean and Lentil Burgers
- Oat Pancakes with Caramelized Apples
- Coconut Flour Donuts
- Guinness Almond Cupcakes
- Double Layered Mousse with Blueberries
- Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting
- Chocolate Coconut Butter Cookies
- Raspberry Rose Chocolate Brownies
- Guilt-Free Chunky Monkey
I think you can see that these are not your typical, boring, everything-has-kale-in-it-and-tastes-like-cardboard “diet” recipes!
The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating cookbook includes 150 delicious, anti-inflammatory recipes for any occasion, that can help you:
- Decrease inflammation and give your body more protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant-rich foods, so it can heal injuries and eliminate pain faster, and more effectively
- Lose weight
- Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Counteract or even reverse the aging process
- Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Give you the best sleep of your life
Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get |
- Paleo Egg Rolls
- Salmon and Cucumber Tarts
- Gluten-Free Zucchini Pizza
- Curried Grilled Chicken with Roasted Peppers
- Carrot, Orange, and Maple Syrup Flapjacks
- Slow Cooker Cuban Chicken
- Quinoa Kale Veggie Burgers
- Ratatouille with Goat Cheese and Bacon
- Pomegranate Ice Cream
- Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating cookbook |
- Breakfasts
- Entrees
- Snacks
- Sides
- Soups
- Desserts
- Drinks
You get healthy recipes that taste great…
…you get recipes that range from quick-and-easy to gourmet, and everything in between…
…you get recipes that reduce inflammation and give your body all the building blocks it needs to heal injuries and pain faster…
…you get recipes that promote improved digestion and reduce the signs of aging… get recipes that help you lose weight...
…plus much, much more.
Click the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button below to get the EZ Meals 365 program, AND the 2 BONUS cookbooks, all for just one payment of $47
(Regular Price = $87)
(Only the first 50 people who order get the discounted price
of $47 and the 2 BONUS cookbooks.)
(TRY THIS WITH NO RISK—comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee!)
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
Don’t BUY… TRY!
Try the EZ Meals 365 System
RISK-FREE for 60 days!
This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test-drive this whole program to MAKE SURE you absolutely love it!
If you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... all you have to do is contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase. Just email as at [email protected], or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will immediately issue you a full refund.
So, don’t buy the EZ Meals 365 program…
TRY IT OUT FIRST, for a full 60 days…
And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it!
Here’s everything you get for $87 $47:
EZ MEALS 365 “QUICK START COOKBOOK”Kick things off right with our 25 favorites recipes. You can make one or two of these recipes today! |
($27 value) |
52 WEEKLY HEALTHY EATING GUIDESThese are the core components of this program. You get one for every week of the year. Each guide contains a meal plan for the week, new recipes for the week, and a comprehensive shopping list. |
($364 value) |
2 SPECIAL BONUS COOKBOOKSIf you’re one of the first 50 people, you’ll also get The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Cookbook and The Home Cook's Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbook as our free gift. |
($74 value) |
$465.00 |
$87.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 50 people to order!) |
$47.00 |
Click the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button below
to test-drive the EZ Meals 365 program
with NO RISK, for 60 Days for
just one payment of $47
(Regular Price = $87)
(Only the first 50 people who order get the discounted price
of $47 and the 2 BONUS cookbooks.)
(TRY THIS WITH NO RISK—comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee!)
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I get all 52 Weekly Healthy Eating Guides at once, or is one sent to me each week?
You get everything in the program all at once. Right after you order, we will give you access to a private download web page where you can download the EZ Meals 365 “Quick Start Cookbook”, all 52 Weekly Healthy Eating Guides, and the two bonus cookbooks — The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Cookbook and The Home Cook’s Guide To Healthy Eating Cookbook. You get lifetime and 24/7/365 access to this download page, so you can download everything as many times as you need to.
Q: What if my family and I don’t like a recipe that’s in one of our meal plans?
No problem — with EZ Meals 365, you get lots of recipes to choose from and lots of extra recipes, so you will always find PLENTY that you and your family will LOVE TO EAT! And switching out recipes is easy to do, because the program is highly customizable and very flexible.
Q: Do I need any special kitchen or cooking equipment?
If you have the basics, you’ll be all set for most of our recipes, and if you do need to purchase something new, it won’t be expensive or hard to find. We made sure these recipes are easy to learn and easy to prepare for almost anybody.
Q: Do I have to stick to the weekly meal plans exactly as they are written?
No. It’s up to you. EZ Meals 365 is highly customizable and flexible, so you can mix and match recipes, insert your own favorite recipes, or whatever you’d like to do — it’s all up to you. The EZ Meals 365 system still works really well, even if you don’t follow it perfectly!
Q: Do these recipes include hard-to-find or expensive ingredients?
We wanted to make sure these recipes were easy to make, so if you live close to a decent grocery store, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding or buying the ingredients in our recipes. Maybe one or two ingredients might require a little more searching on the shelves of your store, but you should be able get everything you need, and still keep things within your budget.
Q: How long does it take to get this program in the mail?
We won’t be sending you anything in the mail. This is a digital program, which means you can access everything online at our secure download web page. You get access to this download web page and everything in the EZ Meals 365 program immediately after you order. You can immediately download everything onto your computer and get started right away. No waiting for anything in the mail.
Q: Can I print the cookbooks and weekly guides?
Yes, you can. You can download the PDF files to your computer and print them from any printer.
Q: What if EZ Meals 365 doesn’t work for me?
The chances are very good that it will work for you, but just so you feel totally comfortable… if you decide, for any reason, or no reason at all, that you would rather get your money back, my team will make sure you get a full refund, as long as you request it within 60 days of your date of purchase.
You have to be one of the first 50 people to try the
brand new EZ Meals 365 program to get it
for just one payment of $47
AND get the 2 BONUS cookbooks!
(Regular Price = $87)
(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.)