Do you wake up with pain and stiffness? YOU DON’T HAVE TO! (even if you’re over 50!)

This FREE DVD teaches you a 9-minute exercise routine that anyone can do... that will eliminate the pain and stiffness you feel when you wake up in the morning, and supercharge your metabolism, so you automatically burn more calories, all day long!

What if you could start every day feeling 100 times better than you do now... and burn more calories ALL DAY LONG, without willpower?

Read this short letter now, because I only have
94 copies of this FREE DVD left!

In a minute, I’ll show you two short segments from the FREE DVD, so you can see exactly what you’re getting, but first, here’s the quick story behind this whole thing:

As I got older (into my mid-forties), I started noticing pain and stiffness in my back, neck, shoulders, wrists, and feet, right when I woke up every day. I assumed it was just because I was getting older, and that it was normal, but the pain and stiffness started getting worse, so I went into Medical Research Nerd Mode! I spent countless hours poring through the latest medical journals, studies, and experiments related to morning pain and stiffness.

The first thing I found surprised me - it turns out my initial assumption was wrong…

It is NOT normal to feel pain and stiffness right when you wake up, even if you’re over 50! If you do, that’s your body telling you: “you’re doing something wrong.”

You don’t want all the boring scientific details, but I discovered the biggest reason people wake up with pain and stiffness is: not moving certain muscles and joints enough during the day.

So, drawing on my more than 20 years of experience as a kinesiologist and injury and exercise specialist, I put together a simple routine that would be fast and easy for me to do, and targeted the parts of my body that were in pain and feeling stiff when I woke up.

I started using this simple new routine, and within just a few days, my morning “wake-up” pain and stiffness were completely gone! I was really excited (and a bit surprised, honestly), because most things in life don’t work this well and happen this easily.

The great part was: the system I developed was just 9 exercises - that anyone can do - and the whole sequence takes only 9 minutes.

Then, all of these things got better too…

I started feeling A LOT BETTER in the mornings. My pain and stiffness were gone, so I didn’t feel that when I woke up, but after I did this 9-minute routine every morning, I just felt AWESOME.

My energy was up.

My motivation was up.

I started feeling happier and more excited about life, in general… every single day!

After I thought about it, it made sense to me. When you get your copy of the FREE DVD, you’ll see that the 9 exercises target specific muscles and joints, but they also include full body movements and stretches that open up your entire body. This removes blockages and restrictions, allowing your energy to flow better, and releases lots of endorphins, all right at the start of your day. It’s easy to see why this results in more energy, motivation, excitement and joy for life.

We all lost weight too!

I didn’t notice it was happening to me until my clients told me it was happening to them, but we were all losing weight too!

I knew these exercises would jumpstart the metabolism, and doing that first thing in the morning would help burn more calories throughout the day, but I didn’t think it would have as much impact as it did.

Some clients were reporting they had lost 2, 3, 5, even as much as 7 pounds after starting this routine, without making any other changes in diet or exercise.

Further research showed me this made sense too. I included several very gentle and easy yoga poses in The 9-Minute Morning routine, and I discovered later that Dr. Oz said, “A little yoga can double your metabolic rate if you do it first thing in the morning.” Numerous studies and papers show that yoga and other gentle stretching in the morning can increase metabolism, boost your digestive system, and even decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol, which inhibits fat burning!

Watch these 2 short samples from the FREE DVD to see exactly what you’re getting...

PLEASE NOTE: The short video samples you’ll see below teach only 1 of the 9 exercises in this program. It’s important to note that the powerful benefits and results you’ll get from my 9-Minute Morning program come from the particular combination of exercises, poses, and stretches I have selected and included in the program, and the sequence in which you do them. These decisions were made based on my more than 20 years of experience as a kinesiologist, and years of research and experimentation done on this particular program, with myself and my face-to-face clients.

On your FREE DVD, you get two different videos:

  • The Instructional Video is where I walk you through each exercise slowly, while my fitness assistant, Jenna, demonstrates each one from two different viewing positions, so you can learn how to do the exercises correctly. I also tell you exactly how long you should do each exercise, how many sets to do, how many reps, and what the proper intensity is for each exercise.
  • The Follow-Along Video is where you do the exercises right along with the video, while Jenna does them with you, and I count out time and reps, and coach you along the way.

This first video sample is Exercise #1 from the Instructional Video. It’s a very gentle and easy yoga pose called Child’s Pose.

In this second sample, you’ll see Exercise #1 again - Child’s Pose, but this time, you’ll see it on the Follow-Along Video so you can check what that video is like, and how you’ll be able to use it.

Why am I giving this DVD away for free?

Two reasons:

REASON #1  --  I want you to be my customer for as long as you need the kinds of products I make. My Dad taught me something a long time ago - he said, “If you add more value, give more, and care more than anyone else, you will have more loyal customers than you can handle, and they will stay with you forever!” So, as often as I can, I will try to give very valuable programs to you for free, so you’ll know that I care more, I add more value to your life, and I give more than anyone else.

REASON #2  --  The 9-minute exercise routine in this DVD helped me and my clients so fast, and in so many different ways, that I feel a strong obligation to share this with as many people as possible, and lowering the price to free is a good way to achieve that!

What’s the catch?

There is a small catch here.

Getting the DVD isn’t 100%, totally free.

You do get the DVD for free, but all I ask is that you help me with the shipping and handling - it’s just $5.95. (Not too bad for eliminating your “wake-up” pain and stiffness, feeling A LOT better every day, and boosting your metabolism so you can lose weight too!)

There’s a second catch too…

Why you need to act now
if you want one of these FREE DVDs...

This is the second batch of these DVDs that I made - the first batch went like hotcakes!

Right now, I only have 94 copies of this FREE DVD left.

It looks like these are going fast too, because more and more orders are coming in every day. And I’ve already shared this page with over 47,000 people.

So… if you want a free copy of this DVD, order yours now, because they won’t last.

Here’s ANOTHER good reason to act now...
(I just added this amazing bonus)

If you add the 9-Minute Morning FREE DVD program to your order right now, and you’re one of the next 50 people to do so, you’re also going to get a special personalized coaching and content package FOR FREE to make sure you are successful with the program that you’re getting today!

If you’re one of the next 25 people to add 9-Minute Morning to your order, you’ll get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive and super-valuable Lifelong Wellness Academy.

Why do just the next 25 people get this opportunity?

The Lifelong Wellness Academy includes a lot of personal interaction, coaching and direct access to me and my team, and because of this, I limit the number of people we let in to make sure every one of our members gets the attention they deserve, so they can definitely get the results they want.

What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy?

LIFELONG WELLNESS ACADEMY is a unique program, specifically designed for people over 40, and specifically designed to make it EASY for you to CONSISTENTLY do the things that will help you get healthy, get strong, get fit, feel great every day, and create lifelong wellness... without sacrificing your enjoyment of life.

JUST ONE of the amazing features of the Lifelong Wellness Academy is you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. This kind of personalized coaching is RARE and INVALUABLE, because if you’re stuck on any part of the program, or you have an issue that isn’t common to many other people, you can get answers quickly from me and my team of experts, so you can overcome the issue FAST, and get the results you want FAST.

After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by emailing us at [email protected]. You can also reach our support team by calling 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada) or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992 and we will process your request, no questions asked.

To get more information about Lifelong Wellness Academy, you can also visit our Help Center anytime at

CLICK HERE to get your FREE COPY of The 9-Minute Morning DVD and 14 Days FREE ACCESS to Lifelong Wellness Academy

All I ask is that you cover the $5.95 shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S.,
and $8.95 for international addresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

(Click each question to see its answer.)

What can I expect if I do these 9 exercises for 9 minutes a day?

No more pain and stiffness when you wake up; a boost in your metabolism, first thing in the morning, which will automatically burn more calories for you all day long, without any willpower; you will feel A LOT BETTER physically, mentally and emotionally, every morning, and throughout the day; more energy; more motivation; more excitement and interest in life and other people; improved flexibility and greater range of motion in your muscles and joints; better performance in your other workouts; reduced inflammation, and more!

Is this for young people only, or people who are already in good shape?

Absolutely not. This program can be done by anyone. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you’re male or female, whether you’re in shape or not, whether you’re healthy or not. These exercises and movements are easy, simple and gentle. Anyone can do them, even people who have never exercised a day in their life!

What exactly is on the DVD?

On the DVD, there are two videos – one is the Instructional Video and the other is the Follow-Along Video. In the Instructional Video, I walk you through each exercise slowly, while my fitness assistant, Jenna, demonstrates each one from two different viewing positions, so you can see exactly how to do the exercises correctly. I also tell you exactly how long you should do each exercise, how many sets and repetitions to do, and what the proper intensity is for each exercise. In the Follow-Along Video, you’ll see Jenna do the exercises one-by-one, and you get to do the exercises with her, in real-time, while I count out time, sets and reps, and coach you along the way.

Are there any countries you cannot ship this DVD to?

No – we can ship this DVD anywhere in the world!

Is this just another program with more exercises I have to do?

Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. I don’t do that. My 9-Minute Morning program only includes the exercises you need. I also recommend you do them in a specific sequence and I give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. My program has been carefully designed, based on years of research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out and easy for you to follow.

I was surfing around the Internet and found a bunch of “morning exercise routines.” Will these help me?

You can definitely find other morning exercise routines online. But you won’t find a complete program, with exercises and movements that are easy enough for any person to do, regardless of age, gender, and health, that can be completed in 9 minutes or less every day, and that delivers all the benefits that The 9-Minute Morning program does. You certainly won’t find a whole program that has been carefully crafted, based on years of research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the exercises you need, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of reps and sets, so that you will reach your ultimate goal, which is to be pain-free in the morning when you wake up. That’s exactly what The 9-Minute Morning is.

In case you don’t know me yet...

My name is Rick Kaselj and I’ve been a kinesiologist and exercise and injury specialist since 1994.

I’m the guy in the health and fitness industry that not only helps individuals with pain and injury problems, but I’m also known as the expert to the experts, the trainer of the trainers and the teacher of the teachers, because anytime I find a problem that seems like it hasn’t been adequately solved yet, I devote nearly 100% of my time and resources to solving it… and when I do solve it, I share it with everyone in the industry.

This is what my client Mike Westerdal said about me (Mike is a lifelong athlete, powerlifter and the owner of industry-leading muscle and strength authority site

“Working in the fitness industry myself, I knew I had to go to the source of the knowledge and cut out the middleman. You see Rick is more than just a specialist. He’s the guy who teaches the other fitness professionals the newest techniques to help their own clients. He has given over 315 live presentations to over 6,065 health and fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.”

CLICK HERE to get your FREE COPY of The 9-Minute Morning DVD and 14 Days FREE ACCESS to Lifelong Wellness Academy

All I ask is that you cover the $5.95 shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S.,
and $8.95 for international addresses.

Yours for better health,

Rick Kaselj

Creator of “The 9-Minute Morning”

P.S. I only have 94 copies of this FREE DVD left, and they’re going FAST, because I’ve already shared this page with over 47,000 people. Click here to get your free copy now! (and 14 days FREE ACCESS to my exclusive and super-valuable Lifelong Wellness Academy)

P.P.S. Check out what these people said…

  • “Before I used the information, I couldn’t walk normally for at least the first 15 minutes each morning. After using the program, I only have a little pain, but it eventually all got better with continued attention.” - Cher Anderson, Athens, TN
  • “Your exercises have changed my life. I have been in constant pain for 15 years.” - Shelley Watson, Carmel, CA
  • “I just wanted to say thank you for providing what I needed to resolve my hip problem! After following your exercises, I went through work all day with no pain and no pain medication. Yeah!! Thanks so much for a simple answer to a problem I have been dealing with for months.” - Tracy Walker, North Carolina
  • “Thank you Rick, you saved my career!” - Marco Mura, Forester in Sardegna, Italy

No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now…
and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.